July 26, 2014


Updated Sept. 27, 2014

I am an amateur when it comes to body work on a car. I've never shied away from doing it; sometimes I do better than other times. A lot depends upon what part of the body needs to be repaired and how? I've never worked at a body-shop. I was an auto tech, not a body specialist. Still, given the interest in changing my temperature sensor, I thought some body work as an encore would be appropriate.

In most way modern day Subaru's since the late 1990's are a great car. Like any car there are problem areas. Seems Subaru doesn't have many, but one obvious problem is that the rear fenders tend to rust out:

This is my car before I started the repairs. I had sprayed some silver paint on the rust to make it less obvious, but you can see how bad it is.

Here is a close-up:


The other side is only starting to rust. This is the side that I need to repair. If for no other reason than it wouldn't pass inspection.

I begin by grinding as much of the bad, rusted metal away as is necessary. Then I swab it with gun bluing acid.

It doesn't take long to dry. But here is where one has some serious choices to make. One can probably buy the body panel. It would cost a lot I'm sure, and the labor would be a lot also. One could weld metal onto the area. It would take additional time preparing the area to be welded, and getting those curves would take talent, which I don't have. 

What about Bondo? Auto-body filler? Well those are some seriously large holes. Spray-in foam? That would trap moisture - no good. My choice is to spray the area with primer and use fiberglass.

Looks messy. It is, sort of. Actually you cut the fiberglass mat to size, mix up the resin with the hardener, and paint the mat on with a throw away paint brush. I probably should have used epoxy first to glue the mat in place - More work and also messy, but provides a much better bond to the metal.

Now we use the auto-body filler. Sorry, no pictures of that part. I was to occupied trying to fill all the holes. To get it smooth; involved a lot of sanding, refilling with filler.

I ordered the factory matched paint online. So here we have it. It'll pass inspection; I doubt I'll get a very good grade in auto-body repair. I think it looks worse in the picture than it does looking at it. Of course it'll weather. It'll fade and blend.It won't rust to quickly. And it's better than it was.

UPDATE: After another day and a half work I improved on the final product:

July 21, 2014


EDITED JULY 24, 2014 8PM

We've heard enough in the news lately about mass murderers writing manifestos, alleged violent ones filled with hatred.

What struck me the most was the young man in CA recently who was distraught being rejected by his women peers. 

His actions defined by his "manifesto" were very extreme.

I'd say it's quite fair to say a majority of us young men (and even as we age) have dealt with plenty of rejection. One wins some, loses some. Yes, it's extremely frustrating. It hurts sometimes, sometimes very much. Seems like some guys have discovered a secret though, is that true? What's the secret many want to know.

Is it getting frustrated and angry to the point of beating people or worse, shooting and killing people?

Before I tell you the "secret", and yes, I know it; I did a search on the internet for what a manifesto was, as I was curious - I have a BA in English and I've only heard the term a few time in an historical context. I discovered there are lots of sources for what manifestos are, however I felt this explanation from Wiki-How best summed it up:

[A] "manifesto is a statement of your intentions, which can consist of only a few words or many pages of text. Its scope may be limited to a particular role or period of your life, or include your goals and aspirations for your entire life. Many people find it useful to compose a manifesto, believing that such a document will help guide them in making decisions and keep them focused on their goals. Manifestos are traditionally written by those with political aspirations, but anyone can write a personal manifesto for his or her life."

It does not say that murderers write manifestos. Anyone can write manifestos and they may be beneficial.

Okay, the secret about women:

Maybe there are many secrets and this is simply one that I learned in my early 20's.

Women are people. Yeah just like us guys! Yes, there are differences, but I would like you to stop and consider for a moment what I just said.

Women are people.

At an elemental level people accept and reject people. We made decisions. We make friends. We make enemies. Some people we get along with and others we don't. Some we are friends with, others we are intimate with. And within that tiny framework are millions upon millions of innuendos.  It's a wonder any of us get along, but were social as a society; may not trust other societies, but that's for another time.

Fact is, life is difficult, and relationships with the sex of we sway to can be very frustrating indeed!

But one od fact I've discovered... women in general like sex also, just like us men, some more, some less. Being a friend can make both people very happy too. And there's a misconception born from an unwritten analysis of relationship between the sexes, and black and white thinking, that people (when it comes to relationships) are either friends or intimate, but not both. And that is far from true.

All sorts of possibilities exist. Friends can become lovers, lovers friends. It's not weird, and more than that, the other person may never want anything to do with you again... that is not weird nor out of the ordinary either.

The secret is talking to a woman, creating a rapport. Enjoy yourself, be true, and flirting is allowed and encouraged, but do try to be subtle at first. Adjust yourself with both the other person's words and body language. Touch when it feels appropriate, but back-off for a time if it's shunned. And don't forget, if you really are itching to "get somewhere and you think the other person may be also, you can simply ask - "would you like to have sex?"

Just be ready for the answer.

Most times it seems some men just have the worst luck. But we really don't. We all have a roller coaster of luck.

If you feel you can't make choices... call a therapist. Most insurance covers a psychologist.

To kill people for rejection and then have a "manifesto" waved in the public's face, deludes the public. Writing a manifesto is a positive thing. A couple of bad apples doesn't spoil the crop! And there are sick, really sick people out in the world. They don't have to be - or stay sick. Options other than killing and hurting people are available.

Manifestos are words, important to some, but still words. Actions where people are hurt are more than words, and in a society as modern as ours there's no reason for violence of any kind. Yes, the "manifestos" of killers can yield insight into there minds. My reason for writing this post is that writing a manifesto doesn't mean or make you the killer type. Manifestos can be good to write and lead to a peaceful, prosperous life without harming others while getting there.

July 18, 2014


Well the last episode of the resurrected highly popular TV Series from FOX television, "24", aired last Monday, July 14. I watched them all looking forwards to the resurrected series near two years form when I recall first hearing about it.

This post is a review of "24". But it's more. It's a psychological profile comparing fictional "Jack Bower" to Edward Snowden - YES, I know, they are nothing alike. Or are they?

FOX'S "24" - It was really good! It was "24"...   same everything a follower of the program didn't expect was their but was - action, suspense, plot within plot, etc... I won't spoil the ending for those of you who haven't watched the newest "24" yet. But...

Heck, I will - Jack saves the world once again from WWIII. That's what Jack Bower does.

Edward Snowden, exiled and living the last I heard in Russia where he has asylum (why Russia? - that's a great question...). He had access to and leaked thousands of secret documents for the world to see. His motive as i understand it was to show the world the secrets the US Gov't had on everyone, including nearly every US citizen.

There have been arguments on both sides about Snowden. Without a doubt some leaked documents could be very harmful to our country. But I'm often discovering information from the leaks while reading the online news and interesting, thought provoking realizations about the country we live in becomes that much more transparent - and isn't that what President Obama promised US Citizens?

Here's the article: MTV: Is The NSA Laughing At Your Nude Pics?

Sounds funny, but after reading the article it is quite far from funny.

Considering the things "Jack Bower" did, and what Edward Snowden does, they are both extremely bold, calculating, ruthless and both have been considered traitors to the USA. One is prone to acts of violence the other is not.

I would like to see a new episode where the Fox production team goes to Russia and films a new "24" which includes Snowden in a short cameo appearance. That to me would be way cool...

What do you think?

July 17, 2014


Not only where cannabis/marijuana was/had always been legal, but where it had never become illegal and prohibited to begin with.

A friend put me up to this question and it's a very good question. I've touched upon the answer in some of my posts, but I have never written anything directly answering that question.

By now (and I have covered this info many times) most of us should be aware that cannabis became known as marijuana in the early 1930's because marijuana was popular with Mexicans, and illegal immigration was as much of a problem as it is today. The Great Depression was either active or just ended, depending on the circumstances. Individual circumstances. Americans didn't have jobs, nor income. The logic is Mexican immigrants, illegal ones would work for far less than Americans... take jobs away from Americans. The country as a whole was very scared. Afraid! They stood in "bread-lines" for food.

The Emancipation proclamation by President Lincoln angered many. Activist groups formed, some with a lot of clout and money. Jazz music became very popular, and happened to include Black musicians.

It needs to be understood that prior to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 cannabis/marijuana had never in human history been illegal or prohibited. In the early 1900's two federal acts passed regulating drugs, a first of it's kind type of law. Cannabis was not included as it's a plant. Process the plant and add it to other things and the law took hold... but by itself it was simply a natural, god-given plant, like ginseng, chamomile, green tea. Until 1837 one could ready buy cannabis. At the time it was used mostly as a medicine. It was included in the US Pharmacopedia until around 1942 - the doctors bible for plant medicines.

Southern states were hit hardest by the illegal immigrants, spoke loudest during Congressional hearings. Anti-Emancipation Activists saw what they wanted to see - Black jazz musicians seducing White girls with marijuana. Yellow Journalist's like Randolph Hearst, newspaper mogul, saw a profit in carrying the cause, and Reefer Madness was born.

Marijuana was prohibited due to the Marijuana tax Act of 1937 and for the first time in world history a plant was not only prohibited, but made into a criminal act. A criminal act that would morph over the years into a very serious crime, similar to assault, rape, burglary, 2nd degree murder, or worse.

Today everyone struggles for "the right answer", that is right beneath their noses.

Harry Anslinger, infamous for being the perpetrator of the law actually was opposed in the beginning. He understood it was a plant and that as such it was exempt from consideration. Being pressured, he realized that the "machine-gun control act" that passed during alcohol prohibition, which defied the 2nd Amendment, could work to make marijuana taxable. It was a Slam dunk with only one doctor from the AMA - opposed to prohibition, in attendance. The act passed, history and the future would affect many generations, and the marijuana frenzy spread abroad, as agreements were signed.

The situation that occurred could in no way be fully realized here! We're NOT talking about machine-guns, though that law permitted the marijuana law. We're not talking about gangsters... the focus then were Blacks and Mexicans. There is no connection. Gangsters have nothing to do with Blacks and Mexicans in general.

So, what if, the Marijuana Tax Act had never passed, that clearer heads prevailed, and especially due to the potential of hemp as industrial solutions, marijuana was never made illegal? Wow. We're talking extraordinary competitiveness in manufacturing and product development, the potential for eco-friendly products far sooner than when they became a necessity, and to be honest, marijuana never would have become as popular as it is, as unlike alcohol and tobacco, it's not very addictive. That's not to say some people really find value using it... it means the addiction is not a physical one per se, but rather a choice.

If cannabis had not become marijuana, which alludes to what Mexicans called it, it's unlikely the 60's would have been what they were. People are "creatures of habit" and seriously, cannabis wasn't particularly known to be recreational. It's unlikely it would become known as such either.

Opium has always been there, LSD the CIA developed and yes that would have hit the streets. That may have increased interest in Peyote, and to a slight degree cannabis, but overall, the lack of hybridizing cannabis due to no prohibition would have made more dangerous drugs or synthetics much more controllable - meaning, we wouldn't have the problems we have today with meth, heroin, designer drugs if marijuana had stayed as cannabis.

Cannabis grew naturally in this country until 1937. It was eradicated almost completely. Small natural patches may still exist, but it's rare, considering it used to grow everywhere - and no one took notice. But the federal government eradicated it nonetheless. And left all the poison ivy!

Millions of people today and in history wouldn't have misdemeanor or felony records for possession of marijuana, as it should be, but which it is not. A perfect storm to illustrate how person bias and prejudice can shape a nation and cause hurt to many generations of people.

Can it be said that any good has come from the malignant passage of the Marijuana Tax Act? Unfortunately the answer is no. No, in the sense that, health professionals sometimes caution against using it, maybe for scientific reasons, but it's illegal, so who gives a damn? To many people they wouldn't have even considered using it unless, they had a medical condition that science found that cannabis would help (but scientific research was ground to a halt starting with Nixon in 1970).

Cannabis as hemp was billed as a billion dollar crop in Popular Mechanic's magazine, February 1938 (Link source: www.lycaeum.org). Henry Ford planned on using hemp oil as fuel. Nylons from hemp could be made naturally for women, but DuPont saw that as a threat... to nylon. Not only the benefits from competition were lost due to prohibition but many beneficial products were never developed also.

Ask the average person about marijuana and they'll laugh... they likely will not know what to answer to any questions you may have. The reason for that is simple. As long as marijuana remains a Scheduled Federally Prohibited drug, the facade is in place. Even in states where cannabis is legal the question of legitimacy is in question. But the truth is right under our noses... marijuana is no more dangerous than coffee, and just as beneficial if not more.

July 06, 2014


The Biblical story about Adam and Eve is true, although this is one story I don't expect you'll believe. I think it's an interesting story at least - with as many questions as there are answers.

I'm not religious, so it is an important point to make as many Christians would view this story in black and white and, simply believe it's from the Old testament, Genesis, a story written by God with a moral lesson. Generally the first seven days of Creation, when God created the Heavens and the Earth would be what they know most about. The story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden would be nothing more than a notation about Original Sin and the Exile out of Paradise.

There may be many people who have little or no knowledge of this story. Or may I suggest the full story.

In  June of 1979 I moved to Arizona. I was exiled there... which is a long story I don't plan to go into. I was 24 years old.

It was a difficult time for me, too anxious, too concerned and confused about too much. My parents had exiled me as my mother was a devout Christian with a "one road in life mentality" who found my young again life to be too shameful to the family, and too extreme - what with my "disgraceful job at a community college as a custodian" and my sexcapades!

Essentially I was run out of town... to take "my sinful lifestyle" elsewhere. Back then, the mantra was to "move west young man, and women..." So I left everything dear to me and moved to Flagstaff Arizona. A platonic women friend, Michelle, agreed to let me stay with her for awhile and I had a job lined up, hopefully at the University of Arizona. I had a couple of other friends living nearby in Phoenix; the friend of an ex-girlfriend, and the ex-girlfriend herself - whom I was still fairly good friends with. Heather and Sue.

It was during a visit, while staying a few days with Heather that we had all gone out for dinner and drinks, Heather, Sue and myself. The place was called the Tombstone Trader's Bar and Grill, as it was an old trading post for Tombstone Arizona, father to the south along the border of Mexico.

We had dinner, although by 6 o'clock the outside that afternoon was still 98 degrees, the difference was there was zero humanity, which meant there was no physical discomfort, just a soothing hot, warmth. They have cicadas there, and they make a noise that makes me thing the air is filled with electricity, steadily humming.

After dinner we went to the bar to have drinks. There was a swimming pool outside where one need only come through a sliding class door to enter the bar. There was also a section of the bar the had an outside bar. This couple entered from the pool, a very handsome couple. He was about six foot, well toned and covered with dark hair on his chest and head. Both of them had exquisite faces, not only attractive, but hard to see or look at as if they were surrounded by a powerful aura. The man wore only his bathing trunks, the woman wore a black bikini with a brown towel wrapped around her waist. Both were dripping water as they entered, the man wiping himself with a towel, then lending it to the woman. I realized it was difficult to tell how old they were, at times looking maybe 18, at others mid to late twenties. Ageless faces full of understanding.

As the couple entered the restaurant/bar, they glance around, whispered to themselves briefly. To my surprise they came over to uur table which was round and had two empty chairs. The bar was quite full, and glancing I could see there was only one barstool left, and glancing quickly around I realized most of the tables were full.

"Of course, you're welcome to sit her", I said in answer to the man's request. They sat down and we introduced ourselves. The woman offered her left hand first, and as I took it it, cool and firm and shook, I felt a rush up my arm and the air move in on me, the electric hum, all merged into that hand-shake. Brief as it was I felt great. The man's hand-shake surprised me also. Firm and comforting and I felt a similar rush. "Thank-you for the seats", he said. " My name is Adam, this is Eve".

"The Adam and Eve", I laughed and joked, questioning him?

The man laughed. "As a mater of fact", he said, "we are". And he looked at me with these eyes that I really wanted to dive into and get lost. And then the woman, Eve spoke; "you are all friends?"

"Yes", we all responded. "I see you have quite a history together", she said softly.

We all looked at one another, and I replied, "yes we do". "How do you know that or you're guessing, right?"

She looked at me and she had blue eyes, very vivid. "Not a guess," she said. We both know these things.

"How?", I asked.

Eve looked at Adam for a moment, he gently nodded, and Eve continued. "Take is a simply a story, you don't have to believe me, but I could use a drink first, what about all of you?" Heather said she was ready, Sue and I still had 3/4 of a drink, but we both said almost at the same time, "sure".

She decided not to wait for a waitress, and stood up. She had taken her towel off and laid it on the chair. Looking at her stand and walk towards the bar was mesmerizing. I couldn't help but follow her up there, and stand waiting for the bar-tender. Sue broke the trance by asking Adam a question.

"Are you from around here, Adam?"

He looked at her and I realized he'd been looking at me, and he said, "actually yes, but to you it'd seem pretty far away. We're from Southern Europe; we have a Summer place here where we sometimes stay."

Sue said, "a Summer place in Arizona?."

Eve arrived bad with the drinks, held like a real waitress, tray and all. "Yours, yours, and yours," she said, as she looked me in my eyes and smiled briefly. Then she sat down. We all did a cheer with our glasses. We spoke among each other for awhile, when Eve said, "Bob, you asked us about ourselves?"

"Yes", I answered, not expecting her to offer, but with the question still lingering at the back of my mind. "Sorry,", I began, " I was just joking about you being the real Adam and Eve, Just a joke.".

"But we are Bob." Eve said, looking straight at me. She laughed. "Don't be surprised. The world is both a big and a small place. Every once in awhile we like to share of story, Adam and I. Today seems as good as any, and also as all of you seem very open and interested."

"Would you like me to continue?" she asked.

We all murmured a "yes".

Eve looked again at Adam, lip-spoke briefly, then turned to us, and said, "we're immortals".

She paused to look at each of us to see how we were taking it. I was both skeptical, yet I could find no reasons to not listen and accept her story as true.

"Go on", I asked.

"We go way back. Not just 150,000 years, more like 350,000 years; sorry, I honestly have lost track of time. Myself, I can only theorize the same as you about the passing of time. There are many times I remember past events, can't help it - but it's quite overwhelming or can be. We pretty much try to live for the moment."

I decided to be blunt, so I asked, "so what's with the Garden of Eden and the Original Sin?" I don't know what I expected as an answer, and immediately felt stupid asking.

"Oh, the Garden", she said. "It was beautiful, idyllic, and it seemed we didn't have a care in the world." Eve looked at me. "You need to understand those were primitive times, we didn't look like we look now. We were at best 3 feet tall... hominids. And everyday was a day where survival was the only thing we did, without ever wondering why."

"Serious?", I asked.

"Yes, quite serious", she said.

"Sorry", I begged. "No problem," she replied.

"So what was the 'original sin' and all this about the curse?" I asked. "I trust you're saying you're the Adam and Eve from the Bible?"

"We are" she answered, then laughed. "The Original Sin; wow, how humanity twisted that one. It had nothing to do with sex, an apple or a snake. Well, there was a snake, but it began that three of us, Adam, Eve and another woman named Lilith were living in a cave in paradise. Adam had killed a swine and we had cut it up for dinner, while he went out to gather firewood, I went out also, to help. He was gone for a log time. The meat was cooking so I left and went to look for firewood too. Too much firewood never hurt. I saw a snake in the grass and as it happened I followed it, it's many little feet moving very quickly. Back then they had feet."

"It led me to a tall grove of sweet, aromatic and pungent plants, all growing 30 feet high or more. I cut down around 6, and hauled them back to camp. I put them on the wood pile to dry - naturally we saved the leaves and flowers of this plant as it gave off that pungent medicinal essence, but it also promised to be good for starting fires."

"I can't say it was the first time. but a few weeks later (though to us weeks didn't exist), we ended up burning the leaves and inch think stems. We were going to imbibe, so to speak. But what happened was extraordinary. What started as a gentle breeze and us basking in the sun and reefer essence, turned quickly into a storm and the leaves burned to make smoke that engulfed us. It was a very strong storm that blew in, destroying everything so like either "God was mad" or "Satan was angry". regardless, it lasted several days and devastated Eden." 

Eve paused, looked around at us, and to Adam, who nodded.

"There were aliens here for a time.", she continued", and two things happened, two very significant things." She paused again. "I know aliens are on the minds of people, but they are long gone. They left around 100 BC. I never figured out exactly why they left, they just did.

"At first the three of us huddled in our cave inhaling quite a bit of smoke from the plant the snake had led me to. I can honestly say, where one second we were completely ignorant, the next we seemed to be in serendipity and we all looked at each other. Really looked. We recognized we were naked. We saw each others eyes. As dusk fell on the final day we all looked around at what used to be a beautiful forest - what you called the Garden of Eden."

"Our heads were filled with light, we were laughing like monkeys. We couldn't help ourselves. We starting touching each other. We had sex. Then we all fell together and fell asleep.

"The aliens showed up later. They injected all of us with something and marched u humanely to a saucer. It brought us to an oasis in the desert. The oasis was with the huge land of Eden. The land vanished as the aliens absorbed it's entirety. Eventually it was gone."

"What the aliens had give us was the elixir of eternal life, or at least life for many thousand's of years. It's repairs any injury, enables physical change to be more average within a population. Yes, it does exemplify physical perfection also."

I interrupted, "You've been alive 450,000 years? You expect us to believe that?"

Eve laughed. Adam is the one who spoke next. " what is the one thing scientists would like to solve?" He asked.

We all looked at each other, then Heather said, "how to extend life?"

"Precisely".  Adam replied. "Yet no scientist has ever found a creature able to live forever. Everything seems to die no matter how old it is. The age varies dramatically among life-forms. The quality of life always declines with age."

"Yes, we had children and they populated the earth, however we we're alone and we just rather drifted off into obscurity. Other species of humans existed at the time, ignorant and violent - we could have been considered food and we competed for food. We amassed a family, between Adam, Lilith and myself... none of them inherited our immortality, though at first they lived hundreds of years eventually due to environmental conditions that stabilized to between 60 and 120 years."

"Changes overtook the environments we lived in and a great ice-age descended upon us. The three of us were frozen in time for one-thousand years, but even that didn't kill us. The aliens had vanished after what we now know was a stint in ancient Egypt, and who knows where else on the planet they practiced their inoculations. We assume other immortals exist but we can't be sure. We've never met them."

So  I was trying to understand this story, so I asked, "So what exactly then was the original Sin? SEX?

Eve laughed, "no, sorry, sex wasn't the original sin, smoking what you call pot was the Original Sin. We were animals until then, living by instinct. Wild creatures. Animals living by meal to meal, caring for our young, constantly surviving and at war. And having sex. Sex was nothing strange, we did it all the time. What we hadn't done was dry out a cannabis plant, burned it in the cave campfire and by coincidence find ourselves in a hurricane that drove the smoke swirling around our heads. It's all we could breath and we got stoned. What can I say. Blasted. And we got wise, looked at each other, as if for the first time. Naked, yes, we noticed that. Vulnerable, that too. We got really paranoid, yeah really. But we dealt with it. And then we were taken from what was called 'Paradise', destroyed in a horrific storm."

"And so here we are today", she laughed, smiling.

Heather, Sue and I looked at each other, then at Adam and Eve. They were serious and we could all see it in their perfect faces. They were the closest thing to angels a human on this side of the planet could hope to ever see. And there they were; sitting with us in the Tombstone Trader's Bar and Grill, Phoenix Arizona in July of 1979.

July 02, 2014


The use of the term: "Reality Check" is one I credit to a band I used to see a lot in Salisbury Beach MA, at a place called, Kon Tikis during the 90's.. The band is/was called the Bars, the lead singer a great entertainer, liked to grab the attention of the audience at the end of a rock & roll song sometimes by suddenly shouting out - "Reality Check*!?" The crowd would go crazy screaming out "reality check" too, and he'd repeat it, 3 or 4 times.

So I might sit here and wonder, what is reality? But I've known what reality is for real for many years now. It's not a mystery to me. But it is to others.

Of course the problem with "reality" is that my reality might not be yours. Actually that's not a "might", it's true, it's not. And therein lies the problem with reality. 


The fact is the universe is made up of energy in the form of molecules, none of which follow any laws other than the boring laws of physics. As far as us humans go, these molecules could care less about us. So it is that solids don't exist, except as we see them that way, and our perceptions are naturally subjective, meaning we create our own reality with these molecules. Now, given that I know that, it would seem a simple thing to control the dark and light matter that comprises the universe and to become wealthy and carefree. Well, yes, that's true to an extent, but the reality we grow up in is pretty substantial, nearly impossible to separate oneself from it.

Those are molecules... the makeup to our virtually reality world we call ourselves, or us and me... Our world.

Reality is subjective, meaning that it comes from within ourselves.

Reality, and what it is isn't a mystery to me. I'm concerned about myself, and others.

Nearing 60, I'm not in a position to continue working much longer in a society that in only 6 years has become a "motivation arena", the working model for a successful company. Turn your employees into robots. Emphasize benefits (for which you get a discount), act wisely when giving pay-increases (none), bonuses, gifts - the latter is a Malteze Falcon.

The result - zombie employees, scared for their future, all with their own story about what the "Great Recession of 2008" was about for them.It certainly had an effect on me as that was during the time I was looking to step up to a better job, to last me 10 years until I was 66. Didn't happen. Sucks!

We discussed "workplace zombies", and vampires are based on "science" the result of marijuana use. That's why marijuana is a Schedule One drug... extremely dangerous!!!

The thing is, a vampire can't become a "WPZ" (Work Place Zombie), as marijuana infuses the human brain in mysterious ways, yet well known ways. It actually blocks the zombification that happens to non-users. However being a vampire on the job doesn't make life easier. One must wait until darkness falls to satisfy our needs.

I brought up manifestos in the title as the teen well know from California murdered several people there. He wrote a manifesto. My only question is when did writing become a manifesto? Is this media hype? I understand he wrote stuff, but I'm simply questioning how this becomes a Hitleresk mantra. Killing people like he did is bizarre behavior. Nothing less. Not that I believe he's insane... quite the opposite, he knew exactly what he was doing, as did the Colorado Theater killer. They knew exactly what they were doing.

The big question is what contributes to this bizarre behavior? Only thing I can suggest is that we've become a much more "in control" society, where most aspects of a child's life is orchestrated and planned. When I was a kid in the 50's and early 60's I did what I wanted... there were none of these organized events for children. W, the surrounding neighborhood created our own baseball team. There was never any press involved, making us headline news.

Wow, almost forgot.... Happy July 4th!!!

May the friendly fireworks be in your favor.