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February 19, 2017


Brianna Maitland lived west of Montgomery VT. Her parents owned a modest home far into the woods. Very secluded. Brianna's parents learned from their parents... off the grid.

That they were, and for Brianna at 17, she had complained about feeling isolated from everyone and everything.

The Christmas of 2003 was an example. Her father, Bruce, moved out of the house. That left her and her mother, Kelly alone and together - and she didn't get along with her mother.

She begged her father to let her move in with him. He said "no". Her mother left, for Christmas and, visited her mother. Brianna was left on her own with her brother.

It looked like the family was over.

Brianna was seeing a guy at the time, Shawn, if I recall correctly; but he drank too much alcohol. She wrote him a letter but never gave it to him. She wrote that "...he drank too much and this isn't going to work". The letter was discovered later by her parents.

During the Christmas of 2015 there was a lot of crack available. Dealers needed a market and the NW Kingdom of VT was a perfect place to set up shop. For Brianna this was secondary... she had plans for herself. True, she liked pot/marijuana, how happy she would be today to discover in VT, ME, MA it's legal for adult use. [Well, maybe not totally for VT].

Perfect place to set up shop and push crack. And from what I learned, Brianna tried it several times. Where things get fuzzy is how much did she need it? Did she?

Based on interviews with her then housemate, Jillian, she was seeing an alleged crack dealer up from NYC. On the night of her "abduction" I was told he got a phone call, visibly upset from it, according to his then girlfriend Stephanie, he stormed out of the house. This was, if I understood it correctly, about 8 PM, March 19, 2004.

Earlier in the day she was shopping at the mall with her mother, a friend approached her...
I know who, but can't share it. He warned her based on what another person said. He warned her, "...don't go to work tonight".

Brianna finished shopping with her mother and met her in the car. Brianna was to Kelly, her mother, she visibly shaken. But Brianna said nothing - everything was fine.

She wouldn't miss work. She wouldn't call in sick. She left her housemate a note clearly stating she would be home that night after work. She never returned. Due to bumbling by VSP the family didn't know until Tuesday of the following week that she was missing. That's when they suspected something might be wrong, and filed a missing person's report.

An officer happened to be there and overheard the proceedings. He said, are you asking about an old green Oldsmobile? They were - a car that was registered to Brianna's mother... who was never notified that it was discovered that past Saturday - empty and crashed into the side of a farm-house.

Except for the fore-sight that the World Travelers had in photographing the scene of the "accident", Brianna would have vanished completely. Fact is she hasn't.

Based on recent analysis it's estimated upwards of 15 people know something or were involved in her disappearance. It is likely it was drug related, but not because she owed money, but rather because she wanted out and away from it all - kind of hard to do when you like pot, and the pot dealers push crack.

Brianna was ambitious, and was able to adapt. She got her GED the day she disappeared. She quit High School, frustrated with petty bullying. She attended courses instead a a community college.

Opinions differ... some believing she was living an end-game on crack, while others believe it was a phase that she was trying to extract herself from. I'm in with the latter.

Biggest mistake yet by anyone in the know, in my opinion, was when we (Brianna's father and I) were to meet with the person who warned her not to go to work. It was at the same farm where VSP searched a manure pit for her remains. I had arranged to speak with this person, who wasn't there, but a puffer fish was... John-Boy, who threatened my life and Brianna's father's life, who said "Brianna deserved what she got!" I filed the threat with the VSP.

Looking for the weakest link in a chain of people who have knowledge of a serious crime. I'd say I just told you about two of them; the guy who warned her and the guy who threatened my life, and clearly had knowledge of a crime.

February 13, 2017


I seriously didn't think I had another post about Brianna Maitland in my future, however as it turns out, I do.

Brianna Maitland, for those new here was 17, female, lived in Montgomery Vermont and disappeared under more than unusual circumstances March, 19, 2004. She has never been found and continues to be connected/disconnected from the disappearance of Maura Murray, February 09, 2004 in Woodstock NH, about 100-150 miles distant. Gradually the cases are growing individualist, with most experts now in agreement the cases are unrelated.

The story about how they really became related is quite interesting, and in a moment I'll share a glimpse of the connection. But first, who am I in regards to this case(s).

In a moment I will post three YouTube videos, 3 of many on the cases. In the 3rd post, the one that's not from CrawlSpace, a private investigator mentions me briefly... I am the guy who around Nov. of 2004 spent many hours with Brianna's father, an investigative org. called MJA, while I thoroughly searched for anything metal, like her car keys, with my metal detector. At the time I had more than 20 years experience using a metal detector. In Epi 38, Greg Overacker, the PI, discloses the fact the keys have never been found. It is information I withheld while the investigation continues.

I had something to eat with her father after the event and he asked me to help more, interview her friends as he felt I had a talent for that. So I did. In reality for about the next three years I was involved in searches, strategies, and plans every weekend. I often stayed with the Maitlands at their house in Montgomery.

I have a BA and am a journalist also, though I don't do that as a job. However Brianna was different, and at about 45 I was ready to shed light on the case and bring Brianna home.

Within a year the family setup a website for Brianna, and despite many unfortunate events like hackers bring the site down, it maintained a steady pace for those years, provided a lot of discussion and included a Monday night forum meeting.

It's safe to say that as far as who the first investigative journalist was, involved with finding Brianna, it is me. In the first couple years I worked with another private investigator from Texas, named Orville, ex-law enforcement for the Texarcana police force. In his later years and when I met him he held a government job and did criminal profiling, often for the FBI. We did select a suspect after arduous work, but that unfortunately remains confidential.

Later I met and have worked with another PI, Greg Overacker. In Episode 38 especially he nicely bring the facts to focus, though I disagreed with some of the facts which we've discussed.

So how did Brianna Maitlands case become entwined with Maura Murray's? You'll have to read between the lines on this answer, but consider to disappearances happen within about a month apart. Now consider that independently, both cases are being hindered by a lack of understanding within law enforcement that any foul play had occurred. Brianna was stated in the newspapers by police as having a serious drug problem, owing a huge debt and either she ran away to avoid paying it or simply ran away. Maura had her own past, and although the family was confused about why she would simply take off and vanish, law enforcement in NH determined she had driven to Woodstock NH, crashed her car while intoxicated, and run off into the woods where she committed suicide.

The reality soon became clear that neither theory held much water. Yet law enforcement from both NH and Vermont planned a news conference for 2PM to discuss both cases and rumors were there was a serial killer involved.  The serial killer theory however was lame at best, however law enforcement considered it, but at the news conference that happened at 1PM, not 2PM, allowed them to disqualify the serial killer idea and focus more on the questionable character of each women.

By the time family arrived for the 2PM conference, law enforcement was wrapping it up. That meant, there then existed two "plausible" theories: 1) they ran away or committed suicide or 2) a serial killer was involved.

Neither is likely to be the reality.

More likely, both were abducted.

In Episode 38, PI Greg Overacker ever states that considering the number of persons who likely have indirect or direct info in Brianna's disappearance, there are upwards of 15 people. He mentions two persons in particular, Nathanial Low Jackson, sometime boyfriend to Brianna according to interviews with a friend she lived with, and Ramon Ryans, where the news reports Ryans was allegedly involved in a past murder case in Vermont of which he was cleared of any charges. Both persons were from out of state and according to Episode 38, allegedly supplied the locals with crack and cocaine.

Now Brianna liked to use marijuana. So do I, to be honest. Actually it's legal now for adults in my state of Maine. However, at the time, indications to police that she used marijuana was a red flag, and they flagged her. The investigation into her disappearance got filed, under "she'll turn up".

In the meantime police were still busy trying to discredit the "serial killer" idea and so could not close the cases completely. Eventually after many years by many dedicated persons, both cases took on the seriousness they deserved. Both the run away, suicide and serial killer ideas went past and both cases are now still being actively investigated. In Maura's case, her case was selected among a few in a newly formed Cold Case Unit the NH Attorney General setup. In Brianna's case, LE changed and today have evolved to see it for what it was - an abduction.

Enjoy or learn what you like from the following YouTube videos about each case.

Brianna Maitland - YOU TUBE Episode 38



In conclusion, it is now widely believed there is no connection to the cases. both cases are still under investigation and in the case of Brianna Maitland, surely, someone with information out of 15 people possibly involved could come forwards, even if anonymously.