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A lair is a home; A castle; A burrow; A haven; a place where one should feel safe. To ensure our safety especially in one's lair, we have laws. And some laws cause more harm than good!

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My goal is here... to present topics which highlight the plight of people. Why, 2000 years after Caesar Augustus, are we still a people being hurt? With all our advancements in technology, medicine, communications, why are we a people still being hurt? Human nature hasn't changed much, but that doesn't mean it isn't time now for that to happen, and it is undoubtedly happening - hard to see however. This blog is part of that change and a witness to it.


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November 18, 2010


Updated/Edited: Nov. 19, 2010: 8PM

College students called it "Black-out"! An alcoholic beverage sold under various brand names has now been banned by the FDA, and is allegedly illegal in the state of NH.

According to latest news, the NH Liquor Commission has ordered all alcoholic beverages containing both alcohol and caffeine to be pulled from the shelves of retailers. Several companies which produce these "manufactured beverages" have been ordered to cease production. The names of these products is not relevant to this topic, the decision to do so is.

Several studies have, in my opinion correctly concluded that these beverages are potentially dangerous - in that use of these beverages "mask the level of intoxication" by users; particularly women and thin people with little resistance to the effects of alcohol. The facts conclude that the mixture of alcohol and caffeine into a marketable drink is dangerous. The user(s) may become intoxicated without the cognitive ability to recognize the danger they are exposed to, nor the risk to society; especially when driving a motor vehicle, or in situations involving interpersonal relationships.

These conclusions I have no doubt are legitimate. However the ban by the FDA and criminal penalties by states that have made them illegal are complex. Not only the impact to companies that make these products, but in addition, potential infringement on personal freedom. The laws are vague, and also quite sudden.

The essential facts are this.

Manufactured alcoholic beverages containing both alcohol and caffeine are potentially dangerous. Thus the ban and the alleged laws prohibiting such beverages.

The problem:

Alcohol is a manufactured product. It has to be processed from organic compounds and fermented/distilled. Manufactured beverages combining the two products, alcohol and caffeine are bottled, and packaged in a way that makes them appealing, along with similarly appealing advertising.

Recent regulations target this marketing practice are, in good faith. However, no distinction can be made between these beverages, and similar combinations involving alcohol and caffeinated soft-drinks, alcohol and coffee or the combination of alcohol and caffeinated over the counter substances.

This means, potentially, if you consume or possess any of the above you are, potentially, violating the law. You are technically subject to arrest. Also, it further entices youth, for whom experimenting with "drugs" is common, an open invitation to experiment with combinations of alcohol and caffeine (tablets) to mix them for the "black-out buzz".

The recent and sudden ban on such products is alarming. It is an advertisement as big as any bill-board can be.  A recipe for yet another dangerous fringe drug combination/mixture based on individually legal products.

The fact that such a ban and alleged laws were imposed with such rapidity suggests a failure of regulators to understand the consequences of their actions. Why were such bans/laws put in place so quickly? If in fact such a combination are dangerous as described, considerable thought and legislative action should have been pursued first. The manufacturers may have been quietly contacted and urged to cease production.

It is my opinion, the FDA, the NH Liquor Commission, acted irresponcibly  in invoking these regulations. They have created a dangerous situation!

Typical... and I hope, a opportunity to for people to question the minds of those who make the rules and laws in this country.

November 14, 2010


Believe it or not - I'm human.

I know, I'm in favor of legal cannabis, and not particularly fond of DARE, or "Abstinence Education" when it comes to sex. I'm not keen on our two party political system; I don't believe banning books like "Catcher in the Rye", "Tropic of Cancer", "Alice in Wonderland", are right.

Some might consider me a Libertarian, in the sense that all societal rules and regulations get tossed out the window along with the baby. They'd be wrong.

Some consider me a "liberal", but actually I'm quite conservative. In fact, I doubt many really understand the difference, as there is essentially, no difference. There is however a left and right wing view of politics, if you're into such things... but the fact remains, consider cannabis: the "right" calls it marijuana. The left cannabis, pot, ganja. God created and grows cannabis - that is a left wing view of cannabis. A left wing conservative believes it is not the governments right to infringe on ones use of this plant. The "right" believes, that's a "liberal view", that cannabis is a drug called marijuana, and it is extremely dangerous to society. It cannot be controlled as the "right believes it is "uncontrollable", being as it is "a drug". The fact that alcohol and tobacco are regulated and taxed is beside the point as they are legal, and therefore accepted by society. The fact that millions suffer and die from use of those products is irrelevant, as it's legal and society can make provisions for problems related to those commodities.

Cannabis on the other hand, though it kills no one and can be used responsibly, is illegal, and always will be illegal, because back in the 1930's the "truth of the dangers of 'marijuana' were made clear to the world".

For example, despite evidence since to the contrary that cannabis is a stepping stone drug to HARD DRUGS such as heroin and cocaine, the evidence is meaningless as marijuana is illegal and thus no amount of scientific updates are relevant. Marijuana is illegal just as murder is illegal. To consider the possibility that "the facts of the 1930's regarding cannabis were wrong", is like reconsidering the fact that Eve in Genesis was not wrong to eat of the apple that God explicitly told her not to eat! She did eat it, and convinced Adam to eat it. So God double damned women, single damned men, and all humanity is damned because of it.

That is life. Men get to have sex with women, and women must endure as they caused man to be cursed, and like today's just, we drink our alcohol, smoke our tobacco, but resist the urge to use cannabis... why? We don't want to be damned again.

To be damned means to be arrested. See, God really has no power in our society anymore... the "moral majority" has the power, Congress has the power; the Judiciary has the power; Law Enforcement has the power; and the powers specify: DO NOT USE CANNABIS. If you do you are damned.

So do you really want to be damned???

Look at the woman next to you and consider how she suffers a double damn because she ate the apple first, and seduced Adam to eat next. The result: Our society today full of sinners, deviants, druggies, pedophiles, child abusers, spouse abusers, pornography, independent thinkers and corrupt politicians; the list is endless. All because of Eve.

Well Adams of today - if you don't want to live a cursed life I suggest you do what our Lord Government tells you to do. Pay your taxes; be thankful you don't live in China; don't screw around unless you have the balls like certain pro golfers, NY politicians, etc.; and especially, unless you're wealthy or a company CEO, don't smoke pot.

It's 2010 and the message is clear: "Don't Rock The Boat", unless you can afford it. Tow the line, be good doobies and do what you're told by your superiors in gov't. The US Constitution is a dead manuscripts written by humans who no longer exist and our current gods in politics know much more today about what and how we should live than way back in 1776. Thank you to Tea Partiers and their influence in recent elections...

Darth Vader returns...

Death to dissidents and potheads. A return to right-wing values and a strict code of conduct. The only way to succeed as a nation is to do what we're told, accept our position in the hierarchy we were born into.

Cheers! All. The age of the machine is upon us and the mark of the beast is on our foreheads. Do Not Fight It! Do Not Question Authority. Do Not Look Back at the Chaos of the 1960's and 1970's...

We live in a NEW AGE of PROSPERITY. Trust in Wall Street. (New currency now being printed says just that: "In Wall Street We Trust")

I now return you to your original programming... on the count of 3 you will forget you were here... until the next time...

1... 2.... 3

November 13, 2010

Confessions of a Tobacco Addict: TREATISE OF A CANNABINOID VAMPIRE!

Three weeks today this body has gone without tobacco.

Despite pressure from the "powers who thrive" - PWT, on tobacco sales, I'm JUST SAYING NO!

That doesn't mean I said said "no" in time. I have medical tests due to determine if I have cancer and or COPD. No question I can't breathe right, and I cough a lot. No question I have limited energy, loss of cognitive ability, and lack of motivation, compared to just 5 years ago.

The "Good News"... I don't use cannabis!!!

Why is that good news... you got me. I never had problems with cannabis... in fact, I thrived using small amounts of it.

But my state and federal government say I'm better off. To die by alcohol or tobacco use are acceptable actions. To enjoy life and even prosper by use of cannabis is felonious.

Therefore... introducing, BobKat, a cannabinoid vampire dying from lak of cannabis, and as far as my government is concerned - so be it!

I have alcohol and tobacco to use instead... both virtually unregulated. Both quite easily deadly. Both killing me.

But I'm not using cannabis... and that's a very good thing!!!


Get real America... you're not free if you can't use a plant provided by God that you feel is beneficial but unavailable because a government is infected by the Devil into believing the most dangerous plants and drugs are okay, but the less harmless and more beneficial ones aren't.

As the Rolling Stones said: "Goddamn the Pusherman", and our own gov't is that... they PUSH, their favorite.

Cannabis is mocked by government, and blacklisted... why?

Special Interests. No question. Research and science do not support strict regulation against cannabis. The Obama Presidency proclaimed that science would trump politics. The truth is... that is not what happened.

Just more of the same.

3 weeks without tobacco... 5 years without sex or cannabis... the latter wasn't an issue after a day. the former... i will suffer the rest of my life.

Tobacco addiction is certain and it is HELL. My gov't has no power to change that because they benefit from tobacco taxes. They benefit from cannabis prohibition. Win/Win... for my gov't.

Loose/Loose for me.

I'm NOT a ZOMBIE! I am a vampire... I want my cannabis... but I see that despite many years where I benefited from use of cannabis, it's not in my future to die happy. I have two choices: alcohol or tobacco.

No thanks to either.

And may I add - Fuck You my government for your practice of politics over science. I'm not an idiot... I have 3 college degrees... I know the truth. I know you're "messing with me"...

President Obama - you said science would trump politics... well when???

I demand redress of actions directed against me that are in violation of my US Constitutional Rights to my Pursuit of Happiness, in the time I have left to me. I demand either you commit me to a federal, mental health prison for activists that don't abide by your rules, or an exclusion from your draconian rules that have no basis in reality.

I demand you send your hitmen to force me to conform to your unscientific rules, so that i can be extracted and confined to US equiv. of the British - "The Prisoner"... where every day of my remaining life is organized and regulated by drugs that remove my innate sense of self.


Does anyone give a shit? Or are we all so passive as to be sheep herded by gov't shepherds?

I have no confusion as to why our society has become much more violent. But despite my extensive education and experience no one cares for my opinion. I am a cannabinoid vampire... I am not human. I used cannabis, and that made me an alien.

Good luck humanity. California just voted 46 - 54 % to legalize cannabis, yet nearly every politician spent millions opposing passage of the prop. Why?

Because America today is not about the US Constituition and Bill of Rights, it's about politics,  and special interests - preservation of alcohol and tobacco and other big business... lobbies, and face it, cannabis may have the popular vote, but it's a threat to the aforementioned interests, and subject to 70 + years of negative propaganda.

Ultimately I will probably start smoking tobacco again. I can buy unlimited quantities in most stores... I will continue to drink alcohol, same reason. My life will fail. Like many other lives have failed. Because we are not free to use what God provides for us, yet we spend money with proclaims - "IN GOD WE TRUST".


I am happy to say my early 20's made my life worth living. 4 short years 1974 - 1978. If my gov't knew how much I prospered, how happy I was and how often I had intimate relations, they would have removed me from society as a dissident. Fortunately it was the 70's and Nixon was president, followed by Pres. Carter. They were too busy with millions of "dissidents". Kind of like China today.

Life sucks if you're a politician... God... how to continue to harass and make criminals out of cannabis users, support zero tolerance laws against drug use, yet encourage use of alcohol and tobacco to balance state budgets to arrest and destroy deviants that prefer cannabis over a drink or smoke. Damn. I am glad I am not a politician!

To make it clear... those 18 years old you can use the drug called tobacco all you want. It will most likely kill you and will provide very little benefit.

To those 21 and older, you can use any amount of alcohol. It will provide some benefit if you stay under one or two drinks a day, but beyond that, it will kill you.

To those wishing to use cannabis with literally zero health hazards, although psychologically addictive, you risk many violations of state and federal laws... depending on where you live. Cannabis is not covered by the "In God We Trust" motto of the USA... the federal gov't, the Fed judiciary and the DEA trump GOD.

You may not use, grow, possess, sell, maintain your health using cannabis. It is not just illegal, it is activily pursued and prosecuted by state and local govt'. Crimes such as rape, murder, kidnapping, abuse are probably safer alternatives to cannabis use. The rule of thumb - "Potheads are the vampires of our society".

November 09, 2010

TRAIL OF BOBKAT - Confessions of a Tobacco Addict; Part Two

Edited Nov. 10; 8PM
Edited Nov. 11; 11PM

Had two visitors today.

Black suit coats, black pants, white shirt and black tie. They flashed a badge at me and walked in... pushed their way in...

They offered me a cigarette, but I refused. I said: "I have quit".

They questioned me for several hours after that... smoking cigarette after cigarette in front of me. Exhaling the smoke in my face. "Why did I not want to smoke tobacco," they asked? "Why was I spreading rumors that tobacco was harmful?" "Was I aware that tobacco was a 'commodity' and that spreading false rumors about a legal commodity such as tobacco was against the law?"

Then they started in on me about cannabis... they call it marijuana, based on horror films from the 1930's. "Why was I advocating for legalization of marijuana?"

"I'm not", I explained, "not marijuana anyways; as I explained, "that's what political degenerates called it in horror movies from the 30's. Did they mean cannabis, or ganja?"

They both shook their heads. They had a blank look of confusion. One of them asked the other, "what now?"

One of the men stood up and pulled out a gun - a big gun; a handgun with a bore of at least 420 mm... he said, "this is the weapon of choice for cannabinoid assassins... give me one reason why we shouldn't rid society of your existence?"

I looked into the 420mm bore of the cannon that was a big and dark as a black hole. I knew I would soon be sucked into it. I knew because that's nature. But I used my brain...

I thought for a moment, and responded, "The Governor of CA, Arnold Schwarzenegger said, "who cares about a joint? "

"That's true, the partner said... really, who cares?"

But the guy holding the gun starred at me and said..." you know, you think you're pretty smart. But you know what else?"

"What I asked?"

"Marijuana will never be legal like alcohol and tobacco because nobody cares! You want to be a man - you should smoke tobacco, you should drink, you should *uck. Live like a man should live. End of story. Now will it be a bullet of a cigarette?"

I asked for the bullet. I'm an American born citizen, with Constitutional Rights. If I'm to be deprived of those rights, by my government or representative of my gov't, I'll take the bullet.

So I told him, honestly, "I'd rather smoke rat poop! Bring it on!"

IT HAS BEEN Two and a half weeks without using tobacco... and I'm still struggling ... delirious, stif neck, headache, intestinal distress, you name it. Not only is nicotine extremely addictive, but not even God knows what the tobacco industry adds to tobacco. The FDA doesn't know. That's a fact! Deities!!!

Trying to make up for it with my wit and imagination.

I'm suppose, to accept that this government is fair and unbiased when they TAX people for use of unlimited amounts of alcohol and tobacco, yet laugh and mock persons who find cannabis safer and more theraputic -  they not only believe in their logic and justification, harass generally harmless citizens, but they perpetuate the idea that cannabis is dangerous to support the status quo.

To hell with "Pursuit of Happiness" is the result...

The American Public is not a bunch of idiots however, so please, don't treat US as such.

Grant me disability, if you want to silence me, because I smoked a joint once, and William Bennett said that act would make me a a victim. All I ask for is a government funded retirement, as I obviously know the truth about your special interest politics and will shut up if you simply give me a government sponsored retirement ad I can forget everything I know. Or you can "eliminate me", except, to do that would be stupid as i am rather high profile based on several missing persons cases I've helped with.

Witness protection... a new life, and I'll shut up.

The alternative... I am smart enough to undermine your whole matrix... It Is A "MATRIX".

The truth is out there... and 46% of Californian's know it... and an equal part of the world knows that, so stop fooling yourself.

We built a wall against Mexico, not because of any terrorist threats, but because of cannabis. Accept it! Our great country is suffering delusions... building a multi-million $$ wall against "terroricism" from Mexico, while if anything, we're encourage terrorists to switch from havens like Afghanistan to Mexico.

The 9/11 terrorists did not arrive from Mexico, but rather our own points of entry, and Canada. Drug cartels are in Mexico, yes, but what does that have to do with the "Bush - Axis of Evil"... ?

I thought we were defending the US from terrorists, fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Instead... under the guise of "extreme need" WE escalate cannabis prohibition by building a wall between us and Mexico, that accomplishes nothing other than to block wildlife from their natural environments.

We hear Washington Talk about Terrorists on the border of Mexico??? Just where are the BOMBS coming from, of late? Yemen??? Cannabis comes from Mexico, so why the GREAT WALL???

It's an embarrassment. A total embarrassment.

Exactly how much do politicians get in pay-offs from the cartels in Mexico and other parts of the world to fund this stupid, misleading charade???

The following two links tell it all:

"Who Cares About A Joint" - Gov. Schwarzenegger..

The Most Dangerous Recreational Drug?