December 23, 2009

IMPORTANT RESEARCH STUDY - Eat More Broccoli or Go to Pot?

I've had enough of the way they do things in other countries, so back to the USA.

I have to say, I consider myself to be very fortunate to be an American. I've had opportunities, freedoms, and a great education. I've experienced things that only a country like ours could provide.

But there are problems...  but of course there are. There are natural problems and those we create ourselves..

Like research projects. The following one got me wondering:

The project was supported by some big names, although I think the first one is familiar, the others are not...   the National Institutes of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Maurice Falk Foundation. The online, MSNBC news story that inspired this post is here:.

My opinion?

They found a way to get your kid to bush their teeth, eat their broccoli, not have sex until marriage, be home by nine, and obey me? It's so simple really... all in the music... the lyrics in a song.

The study focused on the role music had in enabling cannabinoid vampires, like blood to a mythical vampire, naturally focusing on the population under 18 years of age. Forget us old folks... keep studying the kids.

What they found, and this is so exciting, is that when teens listened to music with reference to the word marijuana in it, they had a craving. Just using the word marijuana in music was I took from the article, "a stepping stone to drug addiction".


Just think what this means??? All you starving advertisers out there, musicians who could link up and add single words to their songs... it would be a music revolution... ! And if you remember me on the way up the golden ladder, throw a little of your bonus $$ my way. I'd appreciate it.

But seriously... what is a study like this accomplishing? If you're under 18 or 21 you're not old enough to legally use these drugs. Adults use drugs, currently one's prescribed, alcohol, and tobacco, though not all adults I have to add.

So what about us adults, and what about all the other words we hear in music? I'm thinking I should burn all my CDs, DVDs, books, video games, and anything else that issues words.

Think about all those TV ads for ED...

But okay... so kids listen to music containing the word "marijuana". What kind of study is that? Other than Bob Dylan's "everyone must get stoned" lyrics, I don't much recall much use of the word, nor do I see the significance of their finding other than to cause undo concern and panic. Of all the other things the money for that study could have gone towards.

To all a good night...

Merry Christmas and try to remember: "Everybody must get stoned..." Bob Dylan. Also, please check out my post back on Dec. 07, 2009, and "Play Safe".

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