June 13, 2010

BLOGGER USERS: ALERT - Use Caution Using New Blogger "DESIGNER TOOLS">>>

I THOUGHT MY BLOG WAS RUINED!!! But, thanks to a blogger FRIEND I have resurrected most of it, with a few interesting improvements... but it's not how I wanted to start my day. I only wished to work on a post... saw the new designer tool on Blogger was available - clicked on it... and wish I hadn't!

Thank-You to ANN T...

As for Google... and blogger support - at least to warn a user that the "advanced tools should not be clicked on if you don't want to spend your day redesigning your blog," would have been nice...


  1. Dear BobKat,
    I think it looks good! Your use of color in the bands and lines is well-thought out.

    It works. I did have to tweak my final design even, for a week or so . . .

    Have a great week,
    Ann T.

  2. Thank-you Ann T.

    Just a shock to suddenly have a new look... still don't know how to center anything, but at least, thanks to you, my blog as well as my weekend was saved!

  3. I love the new look.

  4. Glad you are still in business BobKat.
