June 01, 2010

UNDER THE RUG... A Beer After Work...by BobKat

Yeah, first day back to work... yeah I'm wonderful, feeling great, so relaxed, ambitious, and at this point I invoke Article 83 of the NH Constitution, in case my artistic endeavors here shake some ankles... if you know what I mean.

If you don't, the news of the day to me is that the US Supreme Court today decided in favor of the state, and no I don't have the link, that if you're arrested, or think maybe you're being arrested, or maybe you think you might be under threat of arrest, or maybe you have an artistic (approved or disapproved) imagination and see things flying out of control, which until the arterial break currently in the Gulf of Mexico - people might have called you paranoid, but see? BAD SHIT DOES HAPPEN TO INNOCENT PEOPLE... because the SCIENCE is either none-existent, not there, too expensive to find out, or the batteries might be dead... whatever... my point... YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO TELL AN OFFICER OF THE LAW YOU "WISH TO REMAIN SILENT", in order to invoke your Miranda Rights, as I've said... you can't actually remain silent. It 'doesn't talk, walk-the-walk, and only Sonya wrote a dissent opposing the ruling. Way to go.

... Today, silence became SILENT. And you have to say "silent" to be silent... and I so love silence. But now I have to say something...

Can things get any worse?

So yeah... hey, just back from a 10-day vacation, or is it better to say ten-day, because to be honest - what vacation? I was sick the whole time. Or was I... come to think of it - I remember silence... And then I remember birds, and chickens, and turkeys, and pigs, and the wind, and the rain, and it all began with silence, the first I can recall in 4 years!

Now I have to QUESTION whether it was truly silence that started it, or if I was just hearing things.


what's the symbol for "silence"?


  1. I'm on my 3rd beer... "Molson - Ice".

  2. Sorry to hear that you were ill on your vacation--that is awful.

    Paralleling your story on silence, I saw that in 3 states officers were using criminal charges against people who video them during interactions with the public. It is certainly an issue that is working its way through the courts, and will be heard from more in the near future.

  3. Nice Pic of cat very attractive. I like this post very much. Thanks for sharing this information.
