"God said, ‘Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.’ And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, ‘Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it.’ And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good."
Welcome, to Genesis...
The beginning of humankind.
I was raised going to church every Sunday, in the Protestant religion, known as "Zion Covenant". I spent 3 years in SHS going every Friday to religious classes, to graduate what was called "Confirmation". At the end of that time, I was to join the church. I didn't. Neither did my sister. Everyone else did.
The Old Testament of the Bible always fascinated me. It's the New Testament I have issues with. During the 14th century the Catholic Church convened a meeting, a meeting that for now I could care less about, but it was a meeting that changed the world, a meeting where women were deemed subservient to men and a link to Satan, a meeting where what books of the Bible were deemed ADMISSIBLE. Several Books of the Bible were omitted then by the CHURCH. The Jewish Apocrypha, for one. The fact is, man, literally, decided what their Bible would be... and until the 20th century, women had little to say about it.
I find all that hard to understand, but easy to accept. I accept it because people evolved, and our history of how we evolved is what made us who we as a world are today.
History is something to look back on, and question, but it can't be changed. It can only be built upon.
I'm not writing here to remind us we live in troubling times. That is nothing new.
I am here to tell our story of Genesis...
Because it appears... we disagree on The Truth. And I believe, I understand the truth.
In the beginning... there had to be a first human being that became "self-aware", and the Old Testament tells it was a woman named Eve.
Eve, and Adam, and All of humankind was cursed that day. Not because God wanted it, but rather, because, becoming self-aware, is a curse. "Ignorance is bliss", it goes without saying. But I said it. Because there are many that take bliss in ignorance... shelter in their religion, shelter in their politics, shelter in their own beliefs.
The most common form of shelter is called dichotomy, the belief that there is "right and wrong", "black or white", "truth or lies". The fact is the world is gray and full of color.
In the following posts, it's my hope to bring some color and gray into your life. Yet, I know, for many, your minds are made up. You know the truth.
Yes, you know the truth...
As do I.
Apple anyone?
Now this sounds interesting I'm looking forward to your next post let see where we're going with this