March 05, 2011
"DAY OF RAGE" - A Novel Idea!
OMG... the worse part about work these days is reading the news, online, then listening to it on the 2 hour commute back home. God, it's bad. Really bad.
We're looking at extinction... as a species, as well as a 75% extinction of nature.
I was born in 1954, and I'm open to reality... back then it was the Korean War.
The Middle East right now is awakening... and I'll leave it to "the experts" to provide more.
My point, a "Day of Rage", whatever it connotes, seems like a healthy idea, being non-violent I trust, seems acceptable.
I'm going to suggest, APRIL 01 as the "Day of Rage", and encourage you to leave comments here, to what bothers you about the way things are (going).
What's going on in Libya right now is a serious issue. But we had our own serious "issues", beginning in the early 1960's, and as the flowers bloom, we remember those Americans killed in Viet Nam, and those on our soil who died while protesting a blatantly, obvious, Neanderthal could do it better, "war".
May 1970 - Kent State University. I was 16 at the time. The massacre, was but the end... though I had two more years until I'd be drafted into the war. We had a federal draft back then, not like today's "Volunteer". Link to Kent Stae Massacre - WikiPedia:
"The Kent State shootings—also known as the May 4 massacre or Kent State massacre[2][3][4]—occurred at Kent State University in the city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis."
Lest this be seen as a call to arms, it's not. I simply think voicing our beefs might be a good thing...
I'll start:
BEEF#1: Legalize cannabis already!!!!
Distribute the wealth... the trend towards a very small percent of the population to have the majority of wealth is wrong.
ReplyDeleteBEEF: Working Class losing out!!!
I agree with anonymous. This wacko in Wisconsin must be stopped.They want to give millions of dollars to corporations who are going to move from our country anyway.But they want to take away our rights to arbitrate. I'm leaving my comment but tonight I'm taking to the streets for a non violent protest to support my union brothers and sisters....
ReplyDeleteWhat this country stands for is being, and has been going astray for 60 years or more.
ReplyDeleteMcCarthyism during the 50's really did us in as a Country. The suspicions, the betrayals, the fear, all unacceptable, and yet, it seemed to vanish without a trace. Except for the victims.
My BEEF: Stop government harassment and criminal control/intimidation over citizens with a God-Given Right to use naturally growing plants in their raw form.
"Medical Marijuana" is a joke!!! It's unconstitutional to permit some of the populace to use of a plant, and deprive others because they are "not ill" or in a state where cannabis is legal. Cannabis is an herb/a plant, subject to regulation from no one other than God.
"Marijuana" can't be a medicinal commodity, in states where it is approved as such, as the federal gov't has it as a Schedule One Drug with "No Medicinal Value". And they're making ZERO moves to change that!
Cannabis simply - is an unconstitutionally banned plant - and if the federal government wants to continue to ban and criminalize "users or possessors of the plant, then PLEASE - Take the "IN GOD WE TRUST" off of our money. That was enacted in the late 1950's and should never have happened, period. Our government doesn't know God. God is personal. Not a government sponsored benefactor.
God doesn't need His/Her name on our money. Money is the root of all evil, so why do we invoke God on our money???
Libya burns at the hands of a madman..
ReplyDeleteMexicans die a thousand deaths, 35,000 plus to be exact, because our Country can't extrapolate that Americans like cannabis... safer than alcohol and tobacco, and natural - 100%.
BEEF: Get real about what makes a drug a drug. Cannabis is not a drug!!!