February 11, 2012


Concluding the previous three posts titled "Life Sucks, Then You Die..."
I will not even begin to try to understand people who commit suicide and take down others in the act. It makes no sense to me. The act of a suicide is tragedy enough.
There is an element to life that does appear to cry out, that "life sucks, then you die...", but it is but one of an infinite number of variables when it comes to our choices in life.
Life is like a dream within a dream. Some dreams are lucid and quite clear... memorable, other dreams are nightmares, impossible to detach from, or vague, maybe not even remembered.
Who hasn't looked back 5 years and realized nothing had changed...? Or that everything had changed?
Such is life.
Edgar Allen Poe had it correct when he wrote "A Dream Within A Dream...":
We are the dream, living in a dream. That is a fact. It is also a fact that our actions affect the dream, and those in it, just as those in our dreams affects us.
The irony is, with dreams, it's so personal. We cherish our dream(s). We cherish who we are, who we are, within the dream. I call this our dream atmosphere; the dream we live in, the society and politics of the external dream; our heritage, family traditions, the morals and mores we learn and accept, all become part of the dream atmosphere.
Whether your dreams are nightmares or a form of heaven, mundane or confused, however you perceive them, we are all one, we all live them, and no one is a rock, unchanged over time.
Living your dream...and the only question I have is, are you hurting others or yourself? I would hope not. But the answer is what makes or breaks a crime. How obsessed we are with crimes, and how numerous those crimes. One would think being human is a matter of commonsense... the acts of being kind and respectful of life and others. It's no wonder so many of us shake our heads daily with the latest news of hurt.
There is no need for governments, for example, to enact a nightmare on the public. Such actions would only backfire... but it happens all the time. To the extent that we ask ourselves exactly who does government serve?
"Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living." Anais Nin
To whomever is living a nightmare... there is no need. Reality is subjective; and provides for choices in any dream.
It's something of an irony that around age 6, I remember being with my sister and her friend singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat..." an irony in, here I am at 57 singing the same old song...
Life is..."But A Dream."
Live long, be kind, and prosper...

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