August 18, 2012

BOBKAT'S BIZARRE NEWS - Bunny, Rain, and Link Laws - All ridiculous!

I've been in something of a funk lately... my job is overwhelming, being single and practicing abstinence, as the federal gov't would prefer me to be is cutting into my life, liberty and happiness. Plus I'm up on the news... although as you'll soon see, I'm inclined to feel I'd rather not be.  The rash of senseless mass murders being one of them, and my own opinion that if we weren't such an uptight, control oriented society much of this senseless hurt wouldn't ever occur. But that's my opinion.

Top of the news story...

7 year old Connecticut girl, Kayden Lidsky, has been threatened by officials that her 20 pound pet rabbit is prohibited under law, and that she must surrender her pet to authorities immediately. The rabbit is 3 years old, and likes to "lick people... she's not a mean bunny", Kayden told WTIC - TV News. The problem apparently, is her father, and a grievance the town has with the way he's failing to maintain the property. As a result, the town has threatened Kayden and her pet bunny, to get to him, claiming it (the pet bunny) violates zoning laws. What better way for a town to get to a lazy parent than to threaten their 7 year old child and her pet bunny??? As last reported more than 1800 people had signed a petition protesting the actions of the town. 

Like any 7 year old and even one with a lemonade stand... laws are meant to protect people, and I'm supposed to believe that the town is acting in the best interests of it's citizens. Yeah. Bullshit!

Next in the news:

Man jailed in Eagle Point, Or. for collecting rain-water. Gary Harrington has collected more than 13 million gallons in reservoirs he build since 2003 when he was approved to do so. But the town recently reversed it's decision to give him a exemption to a  1925 Oregon law that makes rain-water public property. Gary has three large reservoirs, and the water in them simply fell from the sky and collected in the private locations he dug. He has been sentenced to 30 days in jail, and fined $1500. He has been told to drain his reservoirs or be subject to additional penalties. Maybe even felony possession of rain-water where he might be handed a life sentence in prison. Again, the government protecting the citizen's best interests. You can read the full story here: Man Jailed for Collecting rain-Water.

Next up:

A farmer in Vermont was busted for growing cannabis - called marijuana to those of you who still believe that misnomer for cannabis is valid despite it's link to racial prejudice against Mexicans and Black people originating in the 1930's. Apparently he got pretty upset for being busted growing a plant God gave us a right to grow and drove his tractor to the Orleans County Sheriff's dept. in Newport, VT.,  drove over several parked law-enforcement vehicles with his tractor, crushing them, then drove away.

Hey, I agree, I'd be pissed off too, but what he did wasn't right, though I can hardly blame him. Still, the problem isn't the police who only enforce the laws, since they don't make them. It's our law-makers and it's time to let them know we're angry and we're not going to take their friggin' shit anymore with these laws that help no-one and hurt most people more than they help! Problem is they don't listen. They think we think they're protecting the public good, and our self-interests, when in fact, they're protecting their own self-interests. Time to change the laws, not crush the cruisers police used to "protect" us.

You can read about this story here:

And finally, though this is hardly the end of the bizarre news I read everyday:

Richard O'Dwyer lives in England. In 2007 he set up a website with links to other websites, On June 30th, 2010, Federal ICE officials seized O'Dwyer's website along with 6 other websites in violation of federal copyright infringements. Now all he had on his website were links to oter websites. So the seizer and penalty of 10 years in a federal prison along with a significant fine are for posting links, as according to the article that's all he had were links. Google and Yahoo publish links too, as do I... but you can bet Google and yahoo won't face jail-time... me? If it get's me out of my 3 and 1/2 hour commute and a job that feels like being in jail M-F I'm all for it. You can read about this story here AT THIS LINK: 

It makes me think of the following analogy: You have a friend and you decide to meet the friend in NYC. You know of a restaurant, so to get directions you look up the restaurant online. You get directions from MapQuest, print those out, and print out a picture of the restaurant from it's website to send to your friend. You mail the information to your friend. This is the essence of a LINK! By sending those directions and a picture you found online to your friend you would, according to this article, now face a potential ten years in prison and a fine. Unbelievable!!!

Again... our government looking out to protect and serve our best interests. I think not!

Paranoid anyone... well don't be. That's just the 21st Century and if most of us don't end up in jail or lose our pets, it'll be God's intervention, not luck, that keeps us safe; which doesn't seem to happen all that often. 

My advice? Dig a big hole in the ground, build a fortified shelter, stock it with enough food and water for the rest of your life and get off the national grid. Either do that or join the Church of Scientology which seems immune to most infringements by government... however, no link available, as I don't want to piss them off.

Have a wonderful day!!! Enjoy your rights under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and pursue your happiness by virtue of our Bill of rights.

1 comment:

  1. I see, that your blog needs fresh & unique articles.I know it’s hard to write articles manually everyday, but there is solution for this.

    Weird news
