Hurricane Sandy gave us pause to think... I'll give her that, plus I had an unexpected day off...
So frankly though, this election is becoming a seriously worse decision than I had to make in 2004, between Bush and Kerry. Bush fooled me in 2000, and I was aghast that he actually got reelected in 2004. I admit, until a few weeks before the election I was for Kerry... but I realized there were problems. So I voted for Nader.
I voted strongly in favor of Barack Obama in 2008. Strongly believed for the first time in years we would get a truly American President. Wow, am I sitting here quite disappointed. However... I am aghast, again, as it's Halloween Night (**) for one, at the US Senate, Boehner especially, although I suppose, hope, he is only doing his job. After all, he's in the Senate, not the House... and it's the House from what I recall that represents "The People", you and I. From what I've taken away from "politics" for the past four years is a Senate dedicated to doing anything, however distasteful to defeat the White House, and a struggling House of Representatives.
I am quite up to date on issues and results, read lots of news. There have been good and great things that have happened in the past four years. There have been tragedies, disappointment, and outright shocking things having happened.
But the election, for President. Wow, to consider my choices?
RE: Obama
1) Big disappoint in many ways from what I expected from him. Half way decent President, better than most I've known... but disappointed. I think as a businessman he got the job done well. I approve his decisions with Libya, think whether the HC Law works out or not it had to happen, was tried before and failed, and he made it happen. I feel, in general he is making sound, knowledgeable decisions. I feel he cares about us. He's not telling secrets, and he does seem to have hidden agendas, but he seems more upfront than many Presidents I've known.
2) I am seriously disappointed with his say one thing and do another when it comes to California and legal marijuana. On the one hand he is reputed to have told the Justice Dept, the CIA, and other Gov't Enforcers to Stand Down... let the states that choose to legalize cannabis do their thing. That would be the persona of the side of the President, Barry Obama , who grew up in Hawaii (I have posted about Barry Obama in a fairly recent post). Yeah, Barry in his late teens was a marijuana guru, by accounts... see my previous post for the book recently released revealing the life of young Barry Obama. Quite disappointed with how he looks the other way while the DEA ransacks CA dispensaries and gets them shut down.
3) I am a believer in the Constitution of the United States. But let's talk 1ST and 2ND Amendments... in the "Bill of Rights" (Wikipedia Link). It'd odd, we talk about our constitutional rights, but much about what we don't know is that it's a second document (set of) that were signed protecting "The People's Right"... called the "Bill of Rights" (Wikipedia Link) composed originally with 10 Amendments.
The first was called: The "First Amendment to the US Constitution" (Wikipedia Link). "The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances". SOURCE: Wikipedia
This is important to me simply because expressing myself, not harming others, living the best respectable life I can, I don't need government regulations breathing down my back, using my taxes, to interfere with peoples rights, freedoms and our liberty to be who we are. Again, not hurting anyone, not even ourselves - like smoking pot. SERIOUS CRIME - near zero harm to society unless it's prohibited, as it is. Then everything changes... and bogeymen come out of the closets!
On that front it seems a war is brewing... Then there's the...
"Second Amendment of the US Constitution"" (Wikipedia Link) - "The Right to Bear Arms".
Quite frankly, I believe we do have a right to protect ourselves, and a firearm is very effective in that respect. Society is not entirely civilized... in fact we don't appear to be any more superior than the Romans were, 2000 years ago. It's true the majority of gun-owners are responsible people. Sure, always a story in the news where a gun was used in a crime, but there are many equally effective tools available other than a gun.
The news is that Obama/SoS Clinton are signing a deal to put gun-ownership for Americans into the hands and jurisdiction of the United Nations. This is serious stuff. It effectively, they hope, that it will nullify the 2nd Amendment. And with that goes the First, and all our other rights.
The NRA strongly opposes President Obama. That's enough to pause and consider. And honestly, I can't see myself voting Obama.
MITT ROMNEY AS A CHOICE:... That's an easy answer... NRA endorsed, but other than that the guy is really naive and possessed. No vote for Romney.
Which means I'm in a bind.
So, to recap... Obama has been disappointing, and may even have a crippling agenda... he has not let states manage cannabis without federal interference, and he is generally vocal about federal law trumping states laws.
Romney - simply boring and scary both.
Seems my options are limited... Only 2???
No, there are other candidates, though Ron Paul is out although I could write him in. There's a strong female candidate representing the green Party in CA, but she's not national - another write in vote.
Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate and ex-Governor of New Mexico (Democratic Hub Link) is an excellent choice. He brings a Jeffersonian, as in Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States (Wikipedia Link) approach back to Washington, namely a small government. A balance of state and federal powers.
But, with Hurricane Sandy stirring up the dust, blinding us, this close to an election... and the race reported to be so close, how do I vote?
Easy. By how I believe.
So frankly though, this election is becoming a seriously worse decision than I had to make in 2004, between Bush and Kerry. Bush fooled me in 2000, and I was aghast that he actually got reelected in 2004. I admit, until a few weeks before the election I was for Kerry... but I realized there were problems. So I voted for Nader.
I voted strongly in favor of Barack Obama in 2008. Strongly believed for the first time in years we would get a truly American President. Wow, am I sitting here quite disappointed. However... I am aghast, again, as it's Halloween Night (**) for one, at the US Senate, Boehner especially, although I suppose, hope, he is only doing his job. After all, he's in the Senate, not the House... and it's the House from what I recall that represents "The People", you and I. From what I've taken away from "politics" for the past four years is a Senate dedicated to doing anything, however distasteful to defeat the White House, and a struggling House of Representatives.
I am quite up to date on issues and results, read lots of news. There have been good and great things that have happened in the past four years. There have been tragedies, disappointment, and outright shocking things having happened.
But the election, for President. Wow, to consider my choices?
RE: Obama
1) Big disappoint in many ways from what I expected from him. Half way decent President, better than most I've known... but disappointed. I think as a businessman he got the job done well. I approve his decisions with Libya, think whether the HC Law works out or not it had to happen, was tried before and failed, and he made it happen. I feel, in general he is making sound, knowledgeable decisions. I feel he cares about us. He's not telling secrets, and he does seem to have hidden agendas, but he seems more upfront than many Presidents I've known.
2) I am seriously disappointed with his say one thing and do another when it comes to California and legal marijuana. On the one hand he is reputed to have told the Justice Dept, the CIA, and other Gov't Enforcers to Stand Down... let the states that choose to legalize cannabis do their thing. That would be the persona of the side of the President, Barry Obama , who grew up in Hawaii (I have posted about Barry Obama in a fairly recent post). Yeah, Barry in his late teens was a marijuana guru, by accounts... see my previous post for the book recently released revealing the life of young Barry Obama. Quite disappointed with how he looks the other way while the DEA ransacks CA dispensaries and gets them shut down.
3) I am a believer in the Constitution of the United States. But let's talk 1ST and 2ND Amendments... in the "Bill of Rights" (Wikipedia Link). It'd odd, we talk about our constitutional rights, but much about what we don't know is that it's a second document (set of) that were signed protecting "The People's Right"... called the "Bill of Rights" (Wikipedia Link) composed originally with 10 Amendments.
The first was called: The "First Amendment to the US Constitution" (Wikipedia Link). "The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances". SOURCE: Wikipedia
This is important to me simply because expressing myself, not harming others, living the best respectable life I can, I don't need government regulations breathing down my back, using my taxes, to interfere with peoples rights, freedoms and our liberty to be who we are. Again, not hurting anyone, not even ourselves - like smoking pot. SERIOUS CRIME - near zero harm to society unless it's prohibited, as it is. Then everything changes... and bogeymen come out of the closets!
On that front it seems a war is brewing... Then there's the...
"Second Amendment of the US Constitution"" (Wikipedia Link) - "The Right to Bear Arms".
Quite frankly, I believe we do have a right to protect ourselves, and a firearm is very effective in that respect. Society is not entirely civilized... in fact we don't appear to be any more superior than the Romans were, 2000 years ago. It's true the majority of gun-owners are responsible people. Sure, always a story in the news where a gun was used in a crime, but there are many equally effective tools available other than a gun.
The news is that Obama/SoS Clinton are signing a deal to put gun-ownership for Americans into the hands and jurisdiction of the United Nations. This is serious stuff. It effectively, they hope, that it will nullify the 2nd Amendment. And with that goes the First, and all our other rights.
The NRA strongly opposes President Obama. That's enough to pause and consider. And honestly, I can't see myself voting Obama.
MITT ROMNEY AS A CHOICE:... That's an easy answer... NRA endorsed, but other than that the guy is really naive and possessed. No vote for Romney.
Which means I'm in a bind.
So, to recap... Obama has been disappointing, and may even have a crippling agenda... he has not let states manage cannabis without federal interference, and he is generally vocal about federal law trumping states laws.
Romney - simply boring and scary both.
Seems my options are limited... Only 2???
No, there are other candidates, though Ron Paul is out although I could write him in. There's a strong female candidate representing the green Party in CA, but she's not national - another write in vote.
Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate and ex-Governor of New Mexico (Democratic Hub Link) is an excellent choice. He brings a Jeffersonian, as in Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States (Wikipedia Link) approach back to Washington, namely a small government. A balance of state and federal powers.
But, with Hurricane Sandy stirring up the dust, blinding us, this close to an election... and the race reported to be so close, how do I vote?
Easy. By how I believe.
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