March 15, 2013


It has been nine years now since 17 year old Brianna Maitland vanished on the night of March 19, 2004. She has not been forgotten!

Her disappearance is still unsolved. She's still missing. There still seems to be a lack of leads and no one has been charged with a crime in connection with her disappearance. However, from the day she vanished, until now, much has changed. It's enough change to expect a break in her case any day. Though I won't hold my breath!

Typically, I don't post about missing person's cases. But then, typically I don't post about gun control measures or the 2nd Amendment either... but I have.

My trademark is "To Stop The Hurt". And truth be told, the disappearance of Brianna Maitland was an epiphany for me... the catalyst for my blog. Here's how that came to be, how Brianna Maitland inspired me and how this blog came to be.

I am also going to include a fairly concise and accurate update on her case, though until you know more about how I know what I know, that will be something of a mystery to many of you, not knowing how I know what I know.

I am 58 with a BA degree in English. I work in computer/software support. I grew up in a small town in NY addicted to books and knowledge... I loved Sci-Fi and Mysteries.

In 1982 I moved to Boston MA. I lived there almost 7 years. I wrote everyday during that time; I learned that 9 out of 10 Bostonian's are mugged at some point in their life there, and that many stay for life, but many leave almost as soon as they come. It's a fast paced environment... and everyday I miss it, now that I've lived in a very rural part of NH going on 20+ years.

I don't remember when I actually became interested in real life missing persons, or justice for victims of murder. I think in the late 1990's. One of the first cases I got heavily into were the Butts family murders, But that was in Texas and a long way from where I live. A great deal of information is, or was available in that case, and so it was a good case to begin with. As it turned out, Brianna Maitland's case had a connection of sorts to the Butts family... in that one of the lead investigators was asked to assist in Brianna's disappearance and I was asked by the Maitland's (Brianna's parents) to work with him. His name was Orville, but I jump ahead here.

In February 2004 a young college woman disappeared in Haverhill NH. Her name is Maura Murray.

I read about her disappearance while at work, and thought initially it was Haverhill , MA. Big difference as the former is a village, and the latter a large city. When the difference became known/obvious to me, that Maura disappeared in Haverhill NH, it was a shock. But before I had a chance to consider it, a month later Brianna Maitland disappeared in the small town of Montgomery VT.

I was 50 years old, and I wanted to make a difference, get involved, and help - to Stop The Hurt! Which is all well and good, but at the time I was simply itching to help people and solve mysteries. Today I don't feel the same. I was able to help, but solve the mystery? Much harder than you might imagine, even when putting everything you've got into the effort. It turned out to be not only scary, but also very discouraging. Real life doesn't happen like it does in novels.

More In Part Two...

Part 2: "Brianna Maitland and Maura Murray - Missing Nine Years..."
Part 3: "Brianna Maitland and Maura Murray - Missing Nine Years..."
Part 4: "Brianna Maitland and Maura Murray - Missing Nine Years..."
Part 5: "Brianna Maitland and Maura Murray - Missing Nine Years..."


  1. Sorry I don't speak English.
    Mais je pense réellement qu'il y a un lien à faire entre les affaires Maura Murray et Brianna Maitland. En effet, avant de quitter Amherst, Maura a fait des recherches sur MapQuest pour retracer l'itinéraire allant à Burlington (ville de naissance de Brianna) et à Berkshire (petite ville à côté de laquelle vivait Brianna avec son amie). Bizarre, non? Ne peut-on pas imaginer que Maura et Brianna se soient rencontrées lors d'une manifestation sportive ou lors de vacances de Maura avec ses parents dans la région du Berkshire et qu'elles soient tombées amoureuses? Brianna étant encore mineure, ne fallait-il pas qu'elles fuient pour vivre leur amour sans contrainte de la par de la justice. Le Canada n'était-il pas la destination idéale pour vivre cet amour?

    1. Quite unlikely based on current information. Hereis the translation the commenter posted:

      "But I do think there is a connection to be made between the Maura Murray and Brianna Maitland cases. Indeed, before leaving Amherst, Maura did some research on MapQuest to trace the route going to Burlington (birthplace of Brianna) and Berkshire (small town next to which Brianna lived with her friend). Weird, right? Can't we imagine that Maura and Brianna met at a sporting event or while Maura was on vacation with her parents in the Berkshire region and fell in love? Brianna being still underage, it was not necessary that they flee to live their love without constraint of the by justice. Wasn't Canada the ideal destination to experience this love?"

  2. Its ludicrous to assume there's a connection between Maitland and Murray. The parents of Maitland are in denial that their daughter was involved with drugs

  3. The police have always wanted to make this connection... it's a way of writing Briana off as deserving whatever she got. She liked marijuana, that much is clear and if you still consider that a illicit, dangerous and addictive drug you might want to research current data. As for "harder drugs" the jury is still out on that. Myself, I feel it is unlikely that it contributed to her disappearance.
