April 21, 2015

Missed 420 by 1 Day... so what's New With That?

I celebrated 420 on FB... had hopes that day.

Ran out in fact and use it to treat my PTSD. Bummer :(

Well what we should know as Americans. A Federal Judge in CA ruled against our Constitutional right to use cannabis. The judge stated that Congress has a right to pass laws that are meant to protect public health and safety. The laws don't need to be validated by science, rational or based upon lucid experience in general.  The judge further stated that "experts disagree".

So let's put this into perspective.

Congress could pas a law tomorrow making it a serious crime to fart, even in your own home. They could claim it's a public health and safety issue. Experts would disagree. farting would become a federal offense,  the penalties steep. Trafficking likely would stay low, unless you farted at the border ... that would constitute interstate transfer of a dangerous fart.

Okay, enough with the farts...

When do experts not disagree? Seriously, that's rare. Isn't there a point at which the obvious facts become quite apparent and reasonable?

People are not jumping out of buildings in WA, CO and AK, not to forget several cities where cannabis is legal. You might read where crime has escalted, the truth is easy to find and the opposite is true.

Truth: people are experiencing medical relief from symptoms previously unsuccessful with chemical/pharmaceutical drugs.Several prominent doctors have come in support of cannabis.

Fallacy: marijuana makes one drunk. Marijuana is not alcohol. Period. There is no comparison, except one is safer - proven by many peer-reviewed studies.

Based on the can of beer I have it would appear alcohol is safer as the logo states: "...fit for the camp,Lake, BBQ,mountain, hike, picnic, beach, cooler, backpack, ... golf course..."


Only thing missing is car or truck.

So society and the federal gov't want to support that it's okay to bring alcohol to all these places but not marijuana? Experts do disagree... true... but there becomes a propensity of information, studies and personal experience where certain crimes are deemed obsolete.

I hope you'll agree the time is now.


  1. Ha..I like the fart analogy...lol. But it's true, isn't it? This Federal Judge obviously knows nothing about Cannabis. It does help with PTSD a lot, but our own Governor won't admit it, as she too, knows nothing about it. At least not the truth anyways. As we all know, the State of NH could be making a ton of money and the people actually might feel free. With "Live Free or Die" as our State motto, by not stopping prohibition, our State motto is a joke.

  2. Thanks Cass... unfortunately the "fart analogy" is valid as the federal judge said Congress doesn't need a valid reason to pass a law. Odd how dangerously close we are to "the King says..." and the US Constitution becomes yet another obsolete document. The judge is wrong based on one very simply measure: experts will always disagree - and what the judge didn't consider was the propensity of data validating marijuana is safe, and use a Constitutional right.

    All those places alcohol can be used, are places where alcohol is a part of our freedom of expression. A part of our right to eat, drink and be merry.

    Marijuana on the other hand is treated the same as child-abuse, rape, theft, and murder. Without an iota of scientific proof. The only validity to marijuana prohibition is that those arrested for use or possession may go on to become career criminals, and why? Because prison is a form of education. The same would happen if people were incarcerated for farting.

    The propensity of research further validates marijuana as medicine. Experts disagree, as they always will!
