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June 14, 2014


Although the federal government has a patent on THC*, the active psychotropic drug found in cannabis, for medicinal use, the federal government maintains that cannabis remains a Schedule One drug on par with heroin, in that it, marijuana, has no medicinal uses or use is extremely addictive.

Quite the contradiction, especially when one considers that the branch of the federal government that did the research and filed for the patent is forbidden by federal law to conduct any research into beneficial therapeutic uses of an S1 drug. The logic goes that if it is a Schedule One drug, no research into medicinal use is valid. That's why research by the federal government, the NIH, the DEA, or anyone receiving federal grants are forbidden from exploring positive uses for cannabis. To be a Schedule One drug is akin to being on death row.

*PATENT #: 6630507, which states in part: "The U.S. Patent Office issued patent #6630507 to the U.S.Health and Human Services filed on 2/2/2001. The patent lists the use of certain cannabinoids found within the cannabis sativa plant as useful in certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and HIV dementia."

Why the contradiction? How did the federal government secure the patent? Why has the federal government under President Obama continued this contradiction of maintaining marijuana as a S1 drug, yet look the other way? Is that something we should be thankful for? I think not. The federal government which represents the PEOPLE needs to address the marijuana use issue. It needs to be removed completely from drug scheduling and placed on par with coffee, alcohol and tobacco.

Two states, CO and WA state have legalized recreational use of cannabis. 21 states have legalized cannabis for a variety of medical problems. The odd thing about this is that cannabis is a plant. A native plant. It was legal and used for millennia, but was made illegal in 1937. Most know the means to this end was dubious at the very least, and downright absurd to those who know the whole truth. Yet Tricky Dick President Nixon turned this country upside down by ignoring his own specially selected blue ribbon task force to study the effects and evidence regarding marijuana use. The Shafer Committee recommended legalization.

"The harm to society is negligent..."

Nixon made marijuana more the demon weed than even it was in Reefer Madness during the 1930's. He saw to it marijuana was not legalized and using his power as President had it placed permanently into Schedule One status, and created the multi-billion dollar's covert ops dept of the DEA.

Nevertheless, the 1970's were the best of times.

So can marijuana users live productive lives? What makes you think they can't?  Of course they can... 1/4 of society has used cannabis and many that use it are very productive members of society. The suggestion that marijuana users are drugged is bogus. A myth. A fabrication. A lie.

The laws generally equate marijuana users in with homicides, rapes and burglary. The sentences are very similar. Whatever happened to common sense and the amendment that guarantees the punishment shall be equal to the crime? So you smoke a joint of marijuana... the punishment should be, smoking a joint of marijuana. Just as in if you rape someone, you should be raped too. An eye for an eye...

Not that I literally believe such nonsense... but the fact is, marijuana use and possession should in no way be a crime.

UPDATE: JUNE 18, 2014

I realize now I didn't answer the question most skeptics would have. "Does marijuana impede the judgement of an individual while using it"?

"Impede" is an interesting word, sorry, but to ask that question implies a suspicion, based on what?

I see three scenarios here, 1) a user at home or with friends in a safe place; 2) a user at work; 3) driving a car.

How's that?

#1. WTF! It's a free country, is it not? Is anyone getting hurt? I mean like a person sitting at a bar or a group sitting around a campfire? How is it different than drinking alcohol? Current laws would suggest the person is beating the crap out of someone, but the truth is much different. No one is getting hurt. So butt out unless you're invited.

#2 Seems to me it depends upon the job. As much as cannabis is linked to alcohol, they're seriously, very different. Using alcohol on the job is one thing, and often not positive; using cannabis, that depends as cannabis has been linked to many positive improvements to bodily functions, due to the fact our own bodies manufacture cnannibinoids. Marijuana has what the body can use as endocannabinoids, meaning provide from a plant or other source. It's no different than taking a prescibed drug. You need to concern yourself with realistic concerns.

#3. I know there are those who say driving a car while stoned is best, that is crap. Marijuana does have a sensory insertive whereby it will affect your driving a car. You may drive slower, or more carefully, but you're not all there.

So what do I gather from all this? Heck! Common-sense! And if you're home alone... hope the stalkers outside aren't a SWAT team or from DIVISION...

Most marijuana users adjust to a dosage their bodies set. Some do appear to be addicted, but it'd not physical. Most find it beneficial if they decide to use it long-term. In the majority of cases it appears if you think about a pack  day tobaco smoker, the marijuana user had a cigarette. Maybe more, maybe less. But there's no comparison and I'm done making them.

"Treating Marijuana Like Alcohol" may have worked in Colorado, but it's a dumb idea, It's dumb because the truth is being with-held. Marijuana isn't the problem. I recently posted the feds have a pattent on cannabinoids, since 2001. It is for medicinal benefits discovered by the NIH. The fact that it is against the law doesn't seem to bother the Justice department, like online Texas Hold'em does. Or the "Scorpian Intrusivity Device" law enfocement has access to intercept all cell-phone traffic. Yes, that means if you buy your marijuana using a cell phone you could be a suspect and get busted.

Oh, hey, considering a career change? Doing very well in your current job but it's time for a change? Although the marijuana is improving your life, you need to stop using fo at least 30 days so as not to fail a piss test. Marijuana is the only "drug" that stays in your system that long - because our fat cells are designed to hoard the stuff, and it's shedded slowly as a metapolite, which is what the drug test are designed to test for. So you can use heroin, meth, cocaine, alcohola virtually within 24 hours prior and pass the test, but use cannabis, you're dead.

This is our Justice System. Do you agree this is justice?

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