May 23, 2010

UNDER THE RUG... by BobKat - Update...

Lots of "talk" of the chaos coming... revolution, mass destruction... and one need only look at the catastrophe taking place in the Gulf of Mexico, the "oil spill"... to see how dysfunctional our society, government and our common sensibilities are...? And it doesn't produce a picture that would hold up to what should be expected in the greatest country the world has ever witnessed. In fact, we're doing a pretty poor job of living up to our name, the reason being, we don't get along... simple, childish things... a two party political system, for example. A "right" and a "left", liberals/conservatives, moral/immoral, for/against, legal/illegal... my point? Black and White... no Gray!

One of the first things I learned in my prime during my early 20's was that there are always more than two alternatives... that the mind thinks in either/or, maybe by nature, but in reality, the human mind is capable of thinking outside the box... to three or more ideas, possibilities, truths...

The whole basis for my "Under the Rug" topic is that in practical terms, we think in B&W... either/or... everything else gets swept under the rug.

My life got swept under the rug... many years ago... and that's where I truly live, seeking a way out...

I'm having my first real vacation in 4 years... 10 days off...

There is a lot involved that makes this an extraordinary event... coming up is a close up review of what's going on, what's been and is being swept under the rug.

Unlike some of my friend's blogs, I simply cannot post regular topics. This is an opportunistic blog.... to my friends and readers, thank-you for your patience.

1 comment:

  1. I have been behind on my reading, but am catching up with your new series--sounds interesting.

    I hope your few days off allow for some good rest.
