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A lair is a home; A castle; A burrow; A haven; a place where one should feel safe. To ensure our safety especially in one's lair, we have laws. And some laws cause more harm than good!

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June 06, 2010

DIRTY BOOKS, GRASS AND CRIME - (last edit June 15, 2010)

It's time to accept the fact that not all illegal activities are unlawful or prohibitive by nature. The fact is, there are "victim-less crimes". It's not a myth. Attitudes and changes in the public laws change the nature of these crimes, whether they are lawful or not... and they often do change, with time. This is in contrast to laws that are unquestionablt illegal, in that they involve victims, by the act itself. I say the act itself since current laws against cannabis cause more harm in my opinion than the use of the plant in most situations.

Sir Walter Raleigh, for example was found guilty of possession of tomatoes... whether true or not, it is true that during the 16th C, tomatoes, being red, were considered the "fruit of the devil". And then there are apples, also red perhaps, and it would seem there was a particular apple tree in Christian history, in the Garden of Eden, and you know it - "don't eat the apples! Or be damned..." and Eve was damned for consuming it, and sharing with Adam.

I often wondered why God would forbid humans from knowing the "truth...", but still today, we are driven to believe some truths are okay and others are not. Truth is truth... even if you put two eggs in a fry-pan and call it my brain, "on drugs", if I use ganja, I know the truth is, my brain is not a couple of eggs! Frying in a pan If there was one lesson that quickly tuned me into reality, it was propaganda like that that made me realize, society has truths it accepts, and those it doesn't... seems to depend on who is president, which is a laugh - not that the President doesn't have a vital and important job, but that a democracy follows a "leader". It doesn't. But politics are everywhere, and mores, defining what's right and wrong, encouraging a search for truth, but then judging which truths are okay/not okay.

Classic example: Laws designed to restrict what we read. Mostly invisible today, but in the past, not too long ago, one could be arrested and jailed for possession of banned books - much like cannabis users and dealers today are. . laws against certain books by famous authors (one which we'll visit shortly) were commonplace, around the world. It took time to change/amend those laws which dominated much of the late 1800's and the 1900's... until the early 1960's. Prior to the 1800's, books were rare, and it was a different world, one we can probably never return to.

Those of you who are younger than 30 may be wondering 'what am I talking about?' Books like  "The Catcher In The Rye" by  J.D. Salinger (1951), banned from school libraries, so what... read them anyways. Free Country, "Free Speech" issue, nothing new. It's much bigger a topic than you may be aware.

What I'm saying is it wasn't that way for many decades. When books became as much a part of society as computers today. The invention of the printing press and the creation of publishing companies. 18th - 20th century. And along came the Victorian Age; then the "Roaring Twenties", The Great Depression, Alcohol Prohibition and there began this artistic/ literary talent explosion, literary geniuses walking alongside the bums and hobo's - the expatriot generation.  Henry Miller is classic:

Henry V. Miller

 Source: Henry Miller - Wikipedia"

His novel "Tropic of Cancer", (1934) shook the world. Until 1961, when Henry Miller faced the US Supreme Court. All his books were treated as contraband, hazardous material... were sold in brown paper bags, in the shadows. Possession or sale was treated as a serious crime. Other notable books written by Henry Miller include "Black Spring", "Tropic of Capricorn", The Rosy Crucification" series. Other authors subjected to the same criminal harassment include, Henry James; Norman Mailer; Anais Nin; Jack Kerouac; Orson Wells; D. H. Lawrence; to name but a few.

In 1961 the US Supreme Court drew a line between what was "obscene and what was pornographic", the latter being legalized as long as the subject matter "had educational value, and wasn't deemed unacceptable under local standards". Many literary works by the aforementioned authors are now legal, and in fact, added invaluable benefits (in many citizen's opinions) to intellectual freedom, support of 1st Amendment Rights and the public good. Though, admittedly, there are also many who suggest the ruling paved the way towards "sexual liberation and immorality", though each is uniquely independent of the other, so suffice it to say not everyone agreed the change in the law were good. But then that's a democracy.

The point is obvious... until 1961 reading "Tropic of Cancer" by Henry Miller was deemed to be a public safety issue and as such, due to the perceived damage to the human mind of such books, illegal and prohibited. Ironically, the "Beat Movement" and much of modern 20th century art owes it's origin to the "ex-patriot"  writers and artists of the "banned expression" generation. In some ways you might say the strict Victorian era, religion and alcohol prohibition all played a part in the enlightenment we try to enjoy today.

It was ludicrous to ban novels and art simply because graphic depictions or references to sex or human private parts were included... sex is we now seem to accept, as a major part of our life - however you feel about it, marriage or not. The issue was, in fact, a matter of public morality, not public safety... and it is now obvious that the perceived criminal behavior with reading a book by an author such as Henry Miller, was not reasonable or Constitutional. Even with the Zero Tolerance mentality many claim to have today, there is a limit in a democracy how ZERO TOLERANCE is Tolerated. Public laws may be violated where there is NO VICTIM. More importantly, emphasizing these "victim-less crimes" as more dangerous than true crimes against humanity, such as murder, rape, and harm or death to children, is a serious public safety issue and a misguided use of public resources.

To fund and fight a "War on Terror", is one thing, to wage a "War on Drugs" is a serious paradox in judgement - a public safety issue. War involves guns, deaths, destruction of property, death to innocent animals and plants, and all manner of harm. Wars are fought only by extreme necessity and when no diplomatic options remain. When two very dangerous recreational drugs are legal and actually publicly advertised and encouraged - one in particular, alcohol, as a rite of passage into adulthood, something is very wrong. War is Death... and we wonder why Mexico is going through HELL???

Imagine a similar "War on Dirty Books"? It could have happened. Yes it could have, and still may happen someday... in the meantime, although President Obama has, from what I've seen, abolished the "action" of a "War". Literally. He took what President Nixon began, and said "NO". "No more war, on drugs..." Unfortunately, it's still  "a war" for many... and many are dying, for these reasons of war.. and cannabis, is still used as the centerpiece - the GATEWAY to HELL that justifies "the war".

It's fairly easy for the majority to determine what's right or wrong, and to pass laws against what they deem innapropriate. That doesn't make it right - the fact that the majority may rule. The US Constitution protects individual liberties, not majority liberties. Where we need to draw the line is where citizens may be hurt or killed. Hate crimes are a primary example of laws required based on necessity to protect an individual or group whose beliefs are contrary to the majority, yet whose believes harm no one directly.

Polygamy,  for example is not a harm to society, unless it involves individuals too young to make individual choices that may affect the rest of their lives. To force children in marriages at a time in their life where they lack sufficient experience to make  a free and logical decision is wrong... and in this case it requires laws that are enforced.

Forcing children into acts deemed adult in nature by our society are legitimate concerns, just as forcing persons into slavery.

The focus of this topic is one of one's rights, but in this case, to consume natural natural plants that can be responsibly used by adults where there isn't a victim. Just as it would be wrong to subject those wishing to read pornographic novels written by Henry Miller, there are those who wish to use plants which have positive effects, which either provide relief from pain, or provide relief from daily stress... stress, which can kill.

Currently our society "approves" of two drugs deemed "recreational"... with questionable risks to public health. Alcohol and tobacco. The latter has virtually no redeeming value; the former, at least there is variety of consumables, but the potential for abuse is high for each of them. RE: tobacco, only a small segment of society can avoid addiction - of those, they are protected by the law in the use of their particular recreational choice. Who aren't protected, and are in fact hunted down, stalked, and prosecuted far in excess of any "crime" committed, are those who use cannabis, aka marijuana.

Deemed the "Gateway Drug", cannabis, aka marijuana is considered by far as the most dangerous drug to society... at least the federal government would like us to believe this... despite the fact that unlike legal recreational drugs, no one has died from use of cannabis, nor gone "insane" as popular folklore suggests... though, like anything we may inhale or ingest, including water, there may be problems. The fears with regards to cannabis are simply madness on a federal level... fears that this "drug" will leads to harder drugs, that "dependency" is a problem. Coffee is something I sure depend on - do we want to criminalize persons dependent on java? I didn't think so...

So why ban cannabis when much harder drugs are legally available, and there's literally no limit to the amount you can purchase, as long as you're age 18 or 21? Tobacco and alcohol. Safe?

Though there is no real proof that cannabis is a "gateway drug", the prejudice persists, and it alone makes it popular to demonize it, by such names as marijuana, reefer, joints, grass... made especially popular in the 1930's by movies like "Reefer Madness":

Since then,  millions of American citizens have suffered more by the laws against it's use than by it's actual use. It is an extraordinary example of how propaganda can blind a society to something that has far more benefits than dangerous consequences.

Like reading a "dirty book" had it's evils and had been so strongly prohibited by society, personal use of cannabis took on a similar sinister taboo, becoming subject to such non-scientific claims and proclamations as to suggest that those who use cannabis are simply a brain in a frying-pan. The question is: whether legal or illegal, does cannabis leads to harder drugs. Obviously the answer is, no. It is simply a drug some chose, and like anything else, we chose what we want in life... the which came first? "The chicken or the egg?"

LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) suggests that if cannabis were legalized, less than 1% of those wishing to use cannabis would want to use harder illegal drugs. And many would chose cannabis solely, and abstain from the use of tobacco and alcohol if given the choice. Not only would legalizing cannabis have a positive influence on society in general, and not only would it provide a safer alternative to legal drugs, but it could provide a substantial tax resource, and a source of funding for those addicted to both hard legal and illegal drugs.

The cost to society in legalizing cannabis is positive... in that trillions of dollars spent so far would be unnecessary, but also, that millions of productive, sane citizens would not have to live, inhale  and feel like criminals.

 We know who the criminals in our society are - and we know cannabis users are not included... except by false association, and mis-guided intentions. Cannabis is not a "gate-way" drug, except by the fact that to buy cannabis means buying it from underground sources - which in itself puts citizens in danger.

In effect, we thrive on our society's black and white approach to determine what's right and wrong... but the fact is, a true democracy relies on fact and logic, not prejudice. But, is this just, fair and right? Is this how we promote safety in our society, based on legitimate science? Or is it popularized fantasy? Whatever it is... as I've stated before and I'll say again, "The Most Dangerous Thing About Cannabis, Are the Laws Prohibiting It!"

Like the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that BP has bought, lock, stock and BARREL... Our politicians don't know how to say "No". And there's an endless assembly of seemingly intelligent people who can't seem to see the forest in the cannabis. Like the movies above, cannabis as "marijuana" is such a great eye-catcher, that it makes the perfect poster child to represent a very serious problem in this country - Drug Abuse and Crime. It makes for the perfect storm, or has now for over 70 years.

The irony is... the majority of cannabis users commit only one crime... they use it. Like the delicious, nutritious, red apple in the garden of Eden, that God forbade Adam and Eve to eat, seems, in 1937 a new garden was created: The Garden of the Damned", but then, Eve was damned from the very beginning, so nothing new there, which gets me wondering, how far have we really evolved to become truly civilized? When a "War" is waged on the citizens of a democracy such as the USA represents, that's a extremely serious action. The federal government is not a god among men... it is "We the People..."

What really permits the Judiciary of the United States of America to permit damnation of cannabis users and growers? Further, to have the highest incarceration numbers of any other country in the world?

Cannabis IS safer than the legal alternatives... so why make these citizens the enemy???

One of the Damned, circa 1975

The moral of the story - use cannabis and be damned! On the BRIGHT SIDE, I can read Henry Miller books and not be damned or arrested!

June 01, 2010

UNDER THE RUG... A Beer After Work...by BobKat

Yeah, first day back to work... yeah I'm wonderful, feeling great, so relaxed, ambitious, and at this point I invoke Article 83 of the NH Constitution, in case my artistic endeavors here shake some ankles... if you know what I mean.

If you don't, the news of the day to me is that the US Supreme Court today decided in favor of the state, and no I don't have the link, that if you're arrested, or think maybe you're being arrested, or maybe you think you might be under threat of arrest, or maybe you have an artistic (approved or disapproved) imagination and see things flying out of control, which until the arterial break currently in the Gulf of Mexico - people might have called you paranoid, but see? BAD SHIT DOES HAPPEN TO INNOCENT PEOPLE... because the SCIENCE is either none-existent, not there, too expensive to find out, or the batteries might be dead... whatever... my point... YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO TELL AN OFFICER OF THE LAW YOU "WISH TO REMAIN SILENT", in order to invoke your Miranda Rights, as I've said... you can't actually remain silent. It 'doesn't talk, walk-the-walk, and only Sonya wrote a dissent opposing the ruling. Way to go.

... Today, silence became SILENT. And you have to say "silent" to be silent... and I so love silence. But now I have to say something...

Can things get any worse?

So yeah... hey, just back from a 10-day vacation, or is it better to say ten-day, because to be honest - what vacation? I was sick the whole time. Or was I... come to think of it - I remember silence... And then I remember birds, and chickens, and turkeys, and pigs, and the wind, and the rain, and it all began with silence, the first I can recall in 4 years!

Now I have to QUESTION whether it was truly silence that started it, or if I was just hearing things.


what's the symbol for "silence"?

May 31, 2010

UNDER THE RUG... Memorial Day Thoughts...by BobKat

Memorial Day Greetings...

It's obvious, our "spill in the Gulf of Mexico" is a disaster of epic proportions... and what makes it worse, is many of us saw it coming and happening while those "in charge" insisted it was being taken care of... a "legitimate costs" would be paid.

"Top Hat" is forgotten, and now the one 70% solution "Top Kill" is dead... didn't work... the disaster continues!!! All the greatest scientific minds in the USA have failed - or have not been listened to. Who the F*** knows??? The feds are so busy harassing people wanting to be happy, whatever that may mean - getting fresh air (can't at the moment), getting drunk, getting high, getting spiritual... watching tv... writing a blog post... pursuit of happiness... all I'm saying.

Meanwhile the hill I live on in the White Mountains is inundated with smoke from a forest fire in Quebec, Canada.

Hard to breath... all the smoke. I called 911, and they told me it was a fire in Canada... we have to be 150 - 250 miles from Canada. But like the wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico, (well protected by federal gov laws), I'm fine too.

Speaking of breath... wow, that life on that deserted island was great... all 36 hours of it... I came back to life... actually started thinking creatively again... smoked some ganja and got to work... built myself a shelter, cut wood, for a night-time fire...

By the time SWAT arrived to "rescue" me... I already had setup a camp, gone fishing - caught fish, and was successful foraging... smoked some of the good bud, and was relaxed. Had a good nights sleep.

In the morning I got up and ate a great breakfast, smoked a little more bud, and hiked... explored, enjoyed myself.

I said "36-hours"... yeah, well, the Coast gurad arrived, and DDA hellocopters... within seconds I was swept off the island and landed back in the USSR... I meant the USA... sorry.

I was charged with "possession of pirated goods" and "narcotics". I explained I was on vacation - doctors orders, my sail-boat was seized... I escaped, yes, with a ton of cannabis onboard, but I needed a source of rope if I was to survive... did they think I'd get that from tobacco???

Anyway I'm back... charges dropped... I was given a bottle of whiskey, and a pack of cigarettes, courtesy  of the federal government when ship-wreaked and a survivor. Geez... I thought I was doing pretty well???

I think it's time we RETHINK our science.

Back to work tomorrow... It's slavery, that's what it is, only under a different name and including many more people. We hardly question it. Sheep in a field with fox to "protect us"!!!

May 29, 2010

UNDER THE RUG... The Water Under a Bridge - by BobKat

Making much ado about nothing may be your opinion about my previous post - "Reflections".

In part, I feel, since it lacks a history. My John Miller series describes some of the crucial points, but as BobKat, I haven't yet disclosed much of what led up to events that night, my response, and why the event traumatized me so much. It's the notion that as people we need to have hard shells, like turtles. But this is my blog, my story, and yes I did the "hard-shelled turtle" routine... but under the right amount of pressure, a turtle's shell can be as fragile as an eggshell. And my shell broke...

The clash was not between my mother and myself, but rather, the culture she lived by, and the culture I grew up in. I don't hate my mother for what she did. I could fault her with several basic flaws - lack of communication, lack of interpersonal boundaries/recognition of them, inability to "think outside the box", prejudice... but it's really not the point, to find fault with her... the point, is given the culture clash I experienced at the most crucial time of my life, I was left devastated and broken, when in truth, I'd discovered my true self, had excelled educationally, discovered untold wonders of life, experienced the best of times, and a once shy, underacheiving, lone introverted youth grew into a dynamic, popular, inspired, twenty something success story. An impossible story, that was in fact true... and the thing that most stunned me was based on the clash of cultures, my mother wouldn't open herself to may discoveries in life - convinced she was that I had left the short road, which is the only road in life, and I'd gone to the dark-side.

My father... he was my best friend during those days, but there was nothing he could do, or was willing to do to open my mother up to the possibility her son was truly happy and prospering. She was stuck in her ways... and that meant, during the best years of my life - the years that could have made me a star for life, my mother became my unfortunate antagonist of the story. And given my dependency on my parents growing up, my mother had a lot of power over me, then, and it became a battle of epic proportions.

It ended when I found what i needed in life, when I found me, myself and I, when i was moving to a new world to use the knowledge I'd gained from a little more than 3 intense years of education and experience. It ended during one phone call home the night before i was to leave on my new journey, a night where over 3 years of battle was put to an end in the method of a curse - a mother's curse to her son.

It isn't right, and it isn't fair... and it isn't something someone should carry with them for life! It also isn't physical violence, which many people carry with them through life from growing up. But what it is, is a violence, let any violence, that's unjust, and wrong. There is an age of transition where as children, we become adults. As the child it hard to see the "forest through the trees", but as an adult, it should be clear. My father saw it, and was encouraging... the only reason I survived. But even he had to admit, "the town is too small for your mother and you", and by town he meant the state. Which is why I made plans to move west.

It was the perfect storm, that night on the phone with my mother.

I begin there, in that time, because, it became that point in my life where my future was severed from my past... for all the bad and good that may or might have come from it, there is now what there is. The purpose of my blog, this topic - "Under the Rug", is the one story that needs to be told.

It needs to be told just as the life of many person's need be told... not only because I made the mistake of letting go several very good friends, unintentionally, by moving away, following my "plan" which was more being made for me, as I would have/should have stayed.

Within a month after I returned from AZ to move back in with my parents at age 24, defeated, I was out with my friend's Earl and Joni, at around 11PM we stopped at a coffee shop, and to my surprise my intimate friend Diane was working there. I hadn't seen her in almost a year, and she was a sight for sore eyes... but it didn't last long. The curse was soon to be etched in stone - a tombstone.

In several short-stories I've written about Diane, I call her Germaine. There's actually a story somewhere out there from those days I wrote to a woman bar-tender, that I really liked. I called it "Echo's of Germaine", a 40 page story. I also have my own originally story, in a spiral notebook, also 40-50 pages, titled, "The Story of Germaine Echo".

Diane was 27 when her and I had an intimate connection one night in 1977. I was 23 at the time. It was a Friday night, and on Fridays the Arts Center building was locked down at 7PM. People could still get in, if they had a key, which was seldom, or if they knocked on the door/rang the bell, and one of us custodians authorized there entry. Ahh, power.... But it was true, normally, between 3 and 11PM M-F myself or my half Italian/half Apache co-worker had command of the Fine Arts Center. We had our menial cleaning jobs to do, but we had plenty of free-time too. We also had lots of "projects" we did - both official, and private. It was, for all practical purposes, the end of an era... the end of the period in our current society where "freedom and self-responsibility" were accepted. Where art flourished and the combined power of the 60's hippies and the 70's enlightened brought about enormous changes...

The Viet-Nam war ended... the war that never should have been, but was. The war that defied the voice of the American people. The government coming to terms with racial desegradation, youth, "turned on and tuned out", free-love and recreational drugs... a free for all with Timothy Leary's death being the mantra and the fear... a new age for women, the Equal Rights Era... the origin of tie-dyed clothing, of communes, of Woodstock, Watkin's Glen.... a new age where a twenties somethings person I witnessed the birth of a nation, and the death of a nation.

That night in 1979 when Earl, Joni and I met with Diane at the coffee shop... my life came to an end...

Diane told me that night she was going to kill herself...

This shouldn't have come as a surprise to me... when I met Diane she told me quite frankly the reason she was a nursing student at the college was because she "wanted to learn the correct way to kill herself". Oh, I took her seriously, but I could hardly act on her confiding in me. Lot's of people confided in me. And she wasn't the only person comtemplating suicide. I met her in 1976, and we enjoyed many meetings and shared much.

Myself, I'd understand suicide... but Joni did... and she talked with Diane for awhile...

I pleaded with Diane not to do it... and begged her to come to my apartment after she was done work - we'd work something out.

At 10AM the following morning a mutual friend called. Diane had killed herself in the bathroom at the General Hospital.

Diane was married to a loser, from what she told me. She had two children, Rudy and Mazanna, both between 6 and 8 years old. They lived with their mother, and the husband was mostly gone, which Diane liked... she showed me the 38 revolver she'd kill herself with one day. I tried to understand but couldn't.

I'd met another beautiful young woman during my years as a custodian at the college, the wife of a guy a grew up with. She was model attractive, down to earth, and very smart. She'd never confessed her desire to commit suicide, except to say one day - "it's so awkward being human". She told me she "felt her body was weird", which I listened to, but again didn't understand. She killed herself.

As did Diane. As did several others... and my conclusion - our society and it's rigidity and narrow-minded norms was destructive, and discouraging.

At 25 I was a broken man with a lot of personal power still in reserve. It would take all I had to make it to age 30... I may have felt defeated, but I was still young enough that I could try and be a phoenix...  I moved to Boston... it was the beginning of my self-exile. There was no question I had to make my own home somewhere new. That my past was gone, and my future bleak. To make matters worst I came down with a serious urinary tract infection, and chronic fatigue after a really bad flu. I'd be sick for years, and initially lost 20 pounds... which took years to bring back.

Overall, my years in Boston were very good... I hadn't planned on continuing being a custodian, but as my father said, you need to use what skills you have, and to move to a new place being a custodian was a good move. I was fortunate - I can't name the place, but I got a job at a prestigious Art School and museum in Boston, which included being a security guard. In 1981 I received my BA degree... while working at the school. For awhile there it seemed like I might make a come-back, but I didn't. I was still physically ill. And doctors could find nothing wrong with me, despite my symptoms. Depression became a familiar feeling. My mother continued to be the antagonist in my life, pointing out all that was "wrong" with me.

Moving to Boston meant for awhile cannabis wasn't available to me... but that didn't last long. It lasted long enough that I started drinking a lot - wine. I also did a lot of writing.

I had new family in Boston also... my father's sister's daughter, the oldest one, Wini... my first cousin 3 years older than me, and a Harvard grad... she was a wild one... and you can say, she was and would be a critical part of my life for over the next 10 - 20 years...

Next time... "The Decadent 70's"...